The Genesis of Violence | ||
by Eva Hochreutener - EHO | 2001-08-08 22:41:00 | [2691] |
...showart?show=jmy.0002 Welcome Jenna! After the first superficial shock - during the breakfast coffee - I have to say, your (nice painted) works are very courageous and exposing. This one is really true. It is valid for men AND women too, similarly - like you drew it exactly. Sexual drive, sexual energy must be the source of violence, because it’s a great force, maybe the biggest on earth, surely bigger then our heads (and hearts). I would like to say, and it must be said: not only men should be concerned. Everybody is concerned. You painted a part from the perinatal matrix, BPM 3, according to Stan Grof. Birth Trauma and Its Relation to Mental Illness, Suicide and Ecstasy by Stanislav Grof, M.D. <> Thirty years before – approximately - I read the Kinsey Report, I forgot most. But I’m curious; Jenna (I hope you are really a woman), please, say to me (to an old swiss girl): is it true that the American men is circumcised? All, most, a few? I feel identified too with the pain in your paintings. Sometimes I hate this idiotic mankind for which nature is not good enough. I cannot understand it. And also idiotic mothers (and fathers) are to blame for it. Not to speak about Afrika, the Sudan, and so on, where women perish, because of this total circumcisions. Today, you inspired me to draw a work (out of BPM 3!) on Expo 02 - communimage <> , click the cross once left and once above, then you can see the whole picture. It is naïve by comparison, and not the whole truth, because HEIDI is not only a victim. Jon, communimage is kept alive! I will work there more - with transparency. Like a candle, burning on both ends. EHO/Eva | ||
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