you are one of the non nice people who do not draw and collab especialy with us on the grid but only for yourself and your portfolio. i particulary hate the way you delete other people work(who "accidentaly" gave you the inspiration... of course)from the art you show on your ...segads?idonly=eho then replace it with some stuff and claim it is your art!... really it disgust me! it will really be great if you gave your drawing for the grid as a collaboration; or at least give credits or keep other people drawing inside the paintings you show on your portfolio. i know your arguments you compare yourself with picasso etc... artists leech everything they see; the problem is that the grid is a collaborative project , and it seams you see it as a source to fill up your portofolio here, and as i mentioned before ; systematicaly delete what other people did arround or near you . well this is the way you see the collaboration!