SITO / Discussions / sito.artchive
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by dale mc farlane aka 'DAWK'' [dwk SITOme] [email dale mc farlane  aka  \'DAWK\'\'] 2004-07-07 22:15:48 [9561]
hey-Ed-JON,is it possible to do a place where the sito artist-member who 'gets the most 'clicks'...for each month + 'top ten'...clicked (it would be like a viewer survey?)artists,for the month? i saw this being done on an art site, with 'blue' color and landscapes as the most 'clicked' choices. this may add far too much work-already for you guys,but am only curious -as to what the possibilities were.i usually can determine this-by checking some of the artists i like-who have lots of 'comments' . dawk
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