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Oh, just start.

2003-12-21 - This project has been brought back from the tarball graveyard, but only for viewing. In other words, you can't add to it any more. But fear not, there are plenty of other things to do on SITO. (And more to come?)

SYNERGY:MONGOCOSM is a project born out of the nagging urge to utilise the dynamic web-medium to its fullest potential (damn that reactive mind).

MONGOCOSM is an SITO SYNERGY collaborative project that provides an environment to build environments. Using the image-map function supported by most graphical web-browsers, MONGOCOSM presents a growing series of "hot images" with scores of clickable links that lead to other "hot images". The end result being a 4D narrative or a 3D micro/macro zoom-in/out. Click on a globe and get a closer look or click on a door and go into the next room. The limit to this environment is your own brainspawn... because you can add to it.

ADDING TO MONGOCOSM is as simple as filling out WebFORMS and FTPing. If you click on a MONGOCOSM image and receive a screen-full of instructions, that means the particular segment of the image you selected is LINKLESS. You can add to it! You can either link that part of the image to an existing MONGOCOSMIC IMAGE or create your own image to be linked. All images are 300pixels wide by 240pixels high. Each image is divided into 30x30pixel squares (a total of 80 linkable segments!), so the MONGOCOSMIC WORLD can and will grow quite quickly.... with your help.

IN ADDITION TO ADDING PICTURES, you can add text notation to appear below your own submitted images. The notation can be in HTML, so you can link to your heart's content (don't get TOO fancy). This text would be uploaded in the same naming convention as the images you submitted, using your SYNERGY ID. In the near future, we'll also be adding the ability to annotate your images with SOUND and possibly VIDEO! Oh, and don't worry about getting credit for your images, each MONGOCOSMIC IMAGE features the artist's name and a link to their homepage (if applicable). This information is sourced from the SYNERGY ID LIST. You'll have to have a SYNERGY ID (three-letter ID used for all of SITO's SYNERGY projects) to participate in MONGOCOSM.

THE GOAL of this project is to experience the dynamics of a world at the whim of the world. While most definately a subset of the World Wide Web, the SYNERGY:MONGOCOSM project hopes to expand the capabilities and vision of the Web/Net's denizens... maybe we can have a lot of fun as well. In our early experiments, we found ourselves creating deliberate and elaborate sequences of images... and installing them as "blocks" of MONGOREALITY. We suspect this will be a prevelant trend in the building of this group MONGOCOSM.

MONGOCOSM WAS CREATED BY Ed Stastny (idea, name, impetus) and Jon (Lon)VanOast (programming, structure).

Now start?

You can check the minute-by-minute growth of the MONGOCOSM by gazing at the cryptic mongolog. This is actually the datafile that the MONGO-CGI sources to see what links to what. Eventually, we'll probably develop a better way to see "What's New" on MONGOCOSM, but for now, you can parse the code and absorb PURE DIGITAL ABSTRACTION!

The structure of a MONGOLOG line is:
(origin.filename)(h.coord)(v.coord)(dest.filename) (site) (date)

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