Description:a bit of a demystification of how the primary game works...heh heh. So why don't more artists do this? Or do they? Would love to get some links to those that do, as even Matt Weurker seems to be stuck on merely scratching the surfaces! Unfortunately, I've not been able to reduce this down (it's over the 300k that i've found allowable to crunch online)...but i DID finally find a program that allowed me to rotate it!!! (see, i live in a way where i don't have regular access to, anyone who'd like to help...feel free to contact me!)
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File uploaded:2.18.2012 06:38 Copyright:all art put up here is anti-copyright! I would appreciate that you contact me if you use it, as a basic courtesy. What does anti-copyright mean? It means you can utilize it freely, any way you want to!!
('Artist Custom #1 copyright')