Description:Painting assignment: to create a portrait. Using the digital study, I painted this unfinished portrait in a Tibetan Buddhist-themed style, using symbolic objects familiar with Buddhist art: the three jewels (similar to Islam's Three Pillars), the lotus petals, the flames, and the hand mudras are all used in Buddhist art. I wanted to get the third eye in there (it was in the digital study) but didn't. The flames, $100 bill and the gas prices indicate turmoil (I didn't get chance to add the missles and oil pump seen in the study), and the chrome rim is similar to the dharma wheel. I used an image transfer technique for the bill, gas sign, jewels, and rim using a print of each and then layering gloss varnish on top. The calm expression on the portrait indicates the peace found in meditation. Acrylic on canvas.
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File uploaded:2.26.2008 01:24 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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