Description:Inspired by a newspaper article that (unintentionally) made me laugh out loud. A very (very) large sum of money was given to a village (via.some government funding) to erect a piece of "Art" that they thought represented them. The commisioned artist came up with this huge staw man. It seems that the main complaint about it (appart from it causing fear and alarm in the local children) was the fact that it didn't appear to be weather proof. Bits started to fall of at the first hint of a stiff breeze. The artist said he never saw it as a permanant feature so didn't see the need to weather proof it!!! He obviously hadn't seen the need to fire proof it either, as the local hooligans found out when they set it alight.ha ha ha So RIP to the Huge straw Man. and Peace from me Sylvia
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File uploaded:6.1.2005 18:17 Copyright:Artist places no copyright restrictions on his or her artwork.
('None copyright')