Description:I have posted a couple of these photo's from a selection I took, in my backyard, a couple of months ago. Now for the media, context and techniques!! The camera used was an old Pentax! (at least 19 years old) and technique used, was me standing very precariously on an old picnic chair, to capture on film what can only be described as a miracle! The Picture is the surface of our old picnic table!! Following a downpour, the sun emerged in "fits and starts" to irregulary dry the water on the table top. What you see are the resultant tidemarks, left by each sunny spell!! This has never happened before or since. The only photo-manipulation on this picture is to frame and post a detail of the image.I see William Blake's hand in this!! and caged limbs and the crucifiction and...but thats me and an over active imagination!.......Thet reminds me ..I was going to phone the Vatican.... PEACE
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File uploaded:9.23.2005 14:48 Copyright:Artist places no copyright restrictions on his or her artwork.
('None copyright')