Description:A nifty li'l comic I did to explain what the fuck is this Continental Divide biz-ness. I originally gave it a go while staying in Tucson in '05, but didn't like the first draft. So I redid it for (appropriately enough) Tucson based BONY LANDMARKS zine in '07. Bony Landmarks was put out by Andrew Coltrin of Look For Signage. It was a cool anthology zine (something missing from current zinedom), but I believe it is, alas, defunct. And any chance I get to draw myself in a dress and/or leotard while smoking cigars... Drawn in Portland, Hood River OR and Bingen-White Salmon WA with tech pens. Digitized and Photoslopped in Portland at teh IPRC.
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File uploaded:10.25.2011 05:58 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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