Description:The Mercury, one of Portland, Oregon's weekly "alternative" newsrags ( has a great comics selection. (With alt-weeklies these days, that ain't hard to do.) Lately they've had a rotating weekly comic spot, where they open up the floor for us marginalized cartoonists to have a shot at drawing something for them. Plus, it's in full color! The catch is you have to draw a comic based around the theme given to you by Art Director Jen Davison. My theme was "Staple Gun". I was stumped for quite a while about what to draw. This idea came two days before deadline, and I banged it out. I used tech pens for the drawering and leterings, and Photoshop was called into action to do the color-filling and digital-file-creating. I think I was supposed to aim for "hilarious", but as pointed out by Nate Beaty I didn't hit that mark. Oh well. First published 10/28/04
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File uploaded:7.22.2005 07:53 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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