Description:This was a ride put on by the Urban Adventure League (i.e. me) back in January of 2005. Here is how I described it in the initial promotion: CELEBRATE NORTHWESTERN WINTER! Sure, winter solstice in Portland can be 'cold' and 'depressing', but believe me kiddo, other parts of the country have it much, much worse. And to prove it: a bicycle ride passing by the multitude of palm trees growing in the city! We'll also check out some other evergreen plants and trees, plus you'll get all the fun factoids that the Urban Adventure League is becoming known for. Let's face it, if winters here are really that bad, there's NO WAY in hell tropical plants could grow here! The ride itself went off great! We had almost two dozen participants, a big feat in January. The ride ended up in the lush semi-tropical enclave of NE 11th Av (between Knott and Stanton). If you would like to see photos of the ride, go here:
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File uploaded:11.2.2005 02:59 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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