Description:An animation comprising of several yellow coloured spikes swirling around four primary coloured spheres which are in turn swirling around a mirrored sphere. This animation was created an an attempt to procrastinate writing a Biochemistry thesis, but resulted in an intersesting look at raytraced orbiting each other in space. Or perhaps the spikes are trying to defend the pure coloured spheres in the inner realm. Down load the Quicktime raytraced movie and tell me what you think. The source code for the Persistance of Vision software, which was used to create the animation has since been lost. But some of the code was taken from the animation "Colour Whiel" which can also be found here at SITO.
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File uploaded:8.12.1996 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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