Description:Rua Pick Te Waka aa Taane (The Morning Chorus), a new dawning of humanity coming together to form one rainbow heart mind. Ancient people such as the Hopi and Australian Aboriginals have stories of the Black, Red, Blue, Yellow and White Races, who lived together on Grandmother Earth in Peace and Harmony in the beginning of time. The central figure Taane-Waahine (Male-Female), is a composite of male and female bodies covered in the colours of the rainbow. The left hand receives love and the right hand gives peace. The Patiki (diamond design), with inner Manawa (Heart design), represents heaven and earth, yin and yang, balance etc… From this male-female rainbow body grows a kumara vine symbolizing the plant of peace. The Kumara leaves and stem are black, white and red, the colours of the cycle of life. From this vine grows the heads of a Black Grandmother, Red Grandmother, Blue Grandfather/Grandmother, Yellow Grandfather and a White Grandfather awakening to the first dawn. Above them a Toroa (Albatross), soars on high carrying the message of peace and love on it’s around the world journey.Oil on Canvas,Jade insert 124x 158cm,1999 Matakite/Visionary Series
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