Description:4. Whaimomoka / Hide and Seek. The Fool has arrived in a green field of wonders. A Historian lies slumped in his chair, his view of the world is deflating. A sheep stands before the Historian, suddenly a human head with skin of rainbow hues emerges from the sheep of convention, sneezing into life, inhaling the life force of the new. Reehua the source of wisdom hovers above the scene spinning the cycles of time. The Guardians of the underworld come out of the ground to devour the old world point of view, opening the way to change. Taane Rangi aa Nui flies above the forest singing “history is written by the victors”. This art work is part of the 1997-1998 Shadow Play Series. Oil on canvas 126x 168cm
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File uploaded:4.9.2006 23:28 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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