Description:. Ohau Matua Te Papa Kainga - Ohau Matua is the Sacred Land. In the lands of Ohau Matua, Hinerau Wharariki built her Kura Kainga (learning centre) in this Valley of the Teachers. This is where Nga Atua (Elemental Caretakers) in ancient times carved two great Tuatara into the valley floor which they considered a sacred seat in their great waka, Aotea Roa. So in time those with peace in their waters would hear the Tuatara songs thus be inspired, then inspire others. Whakarongo ki te nga kōhimuhimu - Listen to the whispers. Oil, alkyd, 3d paint, canvas, harakeke, wood. 79 x 10cm Artist: Rua Pick This Taonga is part of the Pepeha ~ Proverb series 2012
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File uploaded:5.9.2012 03:47 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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