Description:This photograph was published in Mike Maloney's photo assesment column. "Maria Mucharska of Manchester has sent me this sparrow shot. Occasionally I receive pictures which are never going to win any great prizes but which make me smile and that's the case with this image. Maria used Canon EOS 1000Fn and 80-200mm lens. it reminds me of that MONTHLY PYTHON sketch about the dead parrot dropping off its perch. Maria says she had to rush to get her equipment set up to photograph the bird, hance the grag shot' appearance. However that's what appeals to me about this picture. Maria has captured the bird while it is leaving the washing-line post, before it has opened its wings. Is silhouetted shape is caught perfectly against the sky, including the outline of its feet. It's not the sort of shot that can be analysed to much - it's simply a funny moment that would be very difficult to repeat, even if you tried every day". ........................................................................................................ 29March 2003 - Amateur Photographer.
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File uploaded:1.8.2004 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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