Description:Prometheus Bound Mosaic: this picture is composed of small tiles of various pictures taken by the author in his trips around the world. Prometheus is bound by Zeus. A bird of prey (eagle or falcon?) attacks to eat his liver, and again eat it after it has grown back. Prometheus stole the sacred fire from Zeus and the gods. Furthermore, Prometheus did not tell Zeus the prophecy that one of Zeus's sons will overthrow him. In punishment, Zeus commanded that Prometheus be chained for eternity in the Caucasus. There, a bird of prey would eat his liver, and each day the liver would be renewed. So his punishment was endless, until Heracles finally rescued him.
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File uploaded:6.25.2008 04:43 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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