Description: Sumpong in Filipino Psychology, refers to a range of temperament or mood problem in which one may withdraw affection or cheerfulness from people in general. The behavior roots from Filipino culture, therefore the term has no English equivalent, but "having a bad day," "temperament problem," "mood" and "tantrum" are often considered the close translations, depending on the context. "May sumpong" means, currently the person has a temperament or mood problem that may last for a while. In the artwork above, two persons behind the guy in white shirt, appear to assess the guy's sumpong as manifested by his lack of cheerfulness. "Sumpungin" (accent on the second syllable) is an adjective that refers to someone who is frequently moody or often has a bad temper.
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File uploaded:9.12.2008 12:45 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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