Description:Vine Cathedral" is a 76k JPEG image whose dimensions are 800 x 600. "Vine Cathedral" is an early experiment with some L-systems software I've been working on in my spare time. L-systems are a way to model complex objects with a few simple (and usually recursive) rules which are iterated many times. I had been trying to create a tree, but ended up creating something close to this shape when I mistyped a parameter. (Serendipity is often the programmer's best friend!) After tweaking it a bit, I arrived at this shape. Although the shape has some plant-like qualities (which inspired me to add the vine texture, which I made myself) it also reminds me of some sort of minimalistic religious site, a sort of vegetable Stonehenge. At any rate, that's how the name evolved.
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File uploaded:4.13.1996 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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