Theme: It is one’s deeds earning hell or heaven. The earthen leaven Man (by nature) is not labeled angel or devil.
Portrait View: (Size 48" x 36" Oil On Canvas Year 2002)
Each person is created such that his attributes are distributed along his body, virtually, dividing it into three strata;
1) Below navel, the place of Stannic attributes, 2) Navel spot, the center of Beastly attributes and 3) Breathing chamber, where heart is caged, is the high palace of heavenly attributes.
If one is able to rein the lower two (Beast and Satan) he earns heavens in life and hereafter as well, otherwise its all hell. This is possible by rejecting the illegitimate demands of ones Beast at belly and sexy Satan below navel.
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File uploaded:9.18.2003 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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