Description:Okay, so I'm taking this welding class, and this box is the first thing I've made. It's terrible, but I practiced oxy-acetylene and MIG welding, grinding, cutting, etc., with it, so the next box will be (much) better. I thought I'd take a photo of it, and then I remembered I wanted to experiment with this high-dynamic range idea. Basically, you take several photographs of the same scene at different exposure levels. Then, you combine the images together in software. So, you need some software. Well, using Processing (, I wrote some software that could load several images and cobble together various kinds of "composites". This is one of them. I don't think it's really captured the idea completely, but the software can forever be tweaked, so, like this box itself, this is just a starting point.
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File uploaded:2.11.2008 02:52 Copyright:Artist places no copyright restrictions on his or her artwork.
('None copyright')