Description:Thi is two different pic's taken with my Digital Olypus 700 something Camera. The background pic was shot from the drivers seat of my car, which can be seen racing in the other direction, two of them. It was my first night time shot. The two cars, is one pic of my car taken in my ally behind my studio appartment. I erased everything behind and around it and through the windows. Then feathered, then duplicated, then adjusted color for each car. Motion blur and adjustment of transparence. Turned the lights on for them in PS7. I did most of the work in Corel Draw 11. The street's and the freeway are a huge endless race track to me...a playground...which inspired the direction of this picture.
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File uploaded:7.8.2003 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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