Description:Acrylic on 18 x 24 in. canvasette. Created this during a painting course I took at Sierra College, Rocklin, California, spring 2006 semester. Still life of a stuffed toy cow, no special lighting, i.e., standard fluorescent ceiling lights in the classroom; required to choose one color (I chose permanent light green), plus black and white. When using black, one must add some of the chosen color to it, and similarly for the white. Therefore, every portion of the painting contains the chosen color (green, in this case). The background was required to be of a very limited value range; for the background, I worked from a photograph found in an interior design magazine.
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File uploaded:6.26.2006 23:15 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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