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IODOTO - Collaborative Video Project

IODOTO is an acronym for "In One Door and Out The Other", which pretty much sums up the format of this collaborative video project. The goal of this project is to create a library of specifically crafted short video Segments which can then be strung together by videomakers all over the globe. The unifying theme is that each discrete chunk of video starts and ends with someone walking through a doorway, an action which can easily be used as an interlocking cut-point.

Everyone is invited to participate!

Participation and Collaboration

There are two modes of participation in IODOTO.

The easiest way to participate is to make a short video, called a Segment, that starts with a person opening and walking through a door and ends with a person opening and walking through a door. Post that video on the Internet and let us know about it via our blog.

Another way to participate is to edit together a string of other contributors' videos, cutting them together on the entrance and exits... in one door and out the other. These intercut chains of Segments are called Constructs.


We'd like to keep things open to interpretation, but there are a few guidelines that will help things run more smoothly.


Here's the basic process of contributing a Segment to IODOTO. It is assumed you know how to edit video and post it to a host on the Internet. If you're looking for a video host, see the "video hosting" section below.

  1. Record a video that starts and ends with someone opening a door and walking through it.
  2. Edit that video, if needed. Try to avoid adding musical scoring to a Segment.
  3. Upload that video to your video hosting site.
  4. Post the URL of your video in the comments of the "Segment Uploads" post on the IODOTO blog.

You can also take a set of Segments and use your video-editing skills to string them together into a Construct. The procedure for that is as follows.

  1. Download all the Segments you want to string together.
  2. Do that voodoo that you-do and IODOTO. (Edit them together creatively).
  3. Add credits at the end. Include yourself, IODOTO and the names of those whose Segments you juxtaposed.
  4. Upload that video to your video hosting site. Maybe post it to your videoblog too.
  5. Post the URL of your video as a comment in the "Construct Uploads" post on the IODOTO blog.

Video hosting

If you're looking for a host for your video files, you might try looking at the following sites.
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