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Define art...
Beginning-of-Time until Jan 31, 1996
Feb 1, 1996 until October 25, 1996
October 25, 1996 until June 27, 1997
(This project has been closed for quite some time now.
It is presented here for archival purposes.)
saufen (saufen[]yahoo.com) says...
Art is asking questions.
(Mon Jan 1 14:52:14 CST 2001 )
Alyxx Fagan (Alyxx_Fagan[]ccsn.nevada.edu) says...
Art is an expression of the soul.
(Mon Jan 1 09:20:36 CST 2001 )
Blaine Edwards (blaine_edwards[]ndsu.nodak.edu) says...
When something is created, it is not art.
It only becomes art when it is appreciated by someone other than the artist.
(Mon Jan 1 01:05:25 CST 2001 )
Meir Amarin (amarin[]angelfire.com) says...
Art is an elusion of our limited mind
(Sun Jan 23 07:45:41 CST 2000 )
sayed (sayedzayed[]usa.net) says...
art is expression for human life
(Sat Jan 22 00:01:25 CST 2000 )
Jessica Murphy (jessiend[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is a peice of work completed by an artist that portrays a mood, feeling or tells a story
(Thu Jan 20 13:07:19 CST 2000 )
Metta says...
I suppose if u are not rigid, anything can be art.
(Wed Jan 19 02:48:15 CST 2000 )
proteus (h_junk[]yahoo.com) says...
art is the nasty adiction of the artist
(Fri Jan 14 22:44:14 CST 2000 )
Jocky Fa (Jockyfa[]netscape.net) says...
Art is that which we decide to deem as such. Art is nothing without appreciation. Art can exist with or without the artist. It is our intent in creating or in viewing that defines "ART"; and it can only be a personal intent.
(Fri Jan 14 14:50:02 CST 2000 )
Mark Grinstein-Camacho (markgrinsteincamacho[]angelfire.com) says...
There exist certain boundaries in the world of what is and what is not; tofu is not turkey. Art mis stretching those boundaries
(Wed Jan 12 14:33:12 CST 2000 )
luma (i_love_11211[]hotmail.com) says...
fat. dlond, qute,brown eyes
(Tue Jan 11 04:39:59 CST 2000 )
Boris Simeonov (boe1999[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is beauty and beauty is art.
The expression of ones unique love, immagination, vision, and interpretation of beauty through eyes, sensation, smell, sound, taste, and God.
(Mon Jan 10 21:51:32 CST 2000 )
Tiffany says...
Art is one's emotions to life, and the things surrounding that person. I feel really that there can be more than one meaning for art. It's just the communication to the viewer and the world.
(Sun Jan 9 17:39:25 CST 2000 )
esmarelda (nastyharpy[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is merely a concept that was created to describe man made objects, markings or sounds that were used socially rather than in a completely utalitarian way. The word "art" that originally in our culture described such things has grown a number of connotations which give the concept a seemingly amorphous and spiritual nature. This often leads people to believe that art is in some way something other than material thing, like some kind of "force." Art is really merely an overused word that describes many different things. Just as a "seat" is both a bottom and a chair. Art is both communication and personal therapy but this does not mean that these two aspects are neccesarally one thing or contain "art" as some amorphous quality. Thats just fuzzy thinking. Isn't it?
(Sun Jan 9 15:47:20 CST 2000 )
Hung Dawg (jerryb[]mind.net) says...
Art is my uncle.
(Mon Jan 3 18:13:46 CST 2000 )
jc (cc[]fake.com) says...
art is yourself.
(Mon Jan 3 18:03:05 CST 2000 )
Jermy Blomley (artfourart[]aol.com) says...
Art is what I did to get expelled from the Sydney College of the Arts.
(Mon Dec 20 20:17:05 CST 1999 )
caRRL. (carrl[]www.com) says...
(Sat Dec 18 11:09:36 CST 1999 )
carl. (carl[]www.com) says...
art is.
art is kool.
art is kool 2 b.
(Sat Dec 18 11:05:36 CST 1999 )
arnon-confermist says...
art is a word with the letters: A,R,T.
(Sat Dec 18 09:00:19 CST 1999 )
phil says...
art is what one makes of it
(Fri Dec 17 23:56:01 CST 1999 )
Haji Franklin-October (hated[]angelfire.com) says...
Art is imagination: take the thought out of it and you have nothing!
(Tue Dec 14 15:19:22 CST 1999 )
brian allen (kicasso8[]ufl.edu) says...
Art is what your mom looks like neked.
(Fri Dec 10 23:21:36 CST 1999 )
Art is something which only talent and creativity is able to create.
(Wed Dec 8 22:39:06 CST 1999 )
Ben Johnson (Bues_baby[]yahoo.com) says...
ART...art is and it isn't art is the beginning of nothing and the end of forever art is like the touch of a beautiful woman and the wounds of war art is fire not the fire that consumes but spreads and grows art is a joy of living and a hate for life. Art is the kiss of my love the tender arms of my lover. art is....
(Wed Dec 8 10:19:05 CST 1999 )
Ben Johnson (Bues_baby[]yahoo.com) says...
ART...art is and it isn't art is the beginning of nothing end of forever art is like the touch of a beautiful woman and the wounds of war art is fire not the fire that consumes but spreads and grows art is a joy of living and a hate for life. Art is the kiss of my love the tender arms of my lover. art is....
(Wed Dec 8 10:17:14 CST 1999 )
a kelly (adamkelly70[]hotmail.com) says...
simply....art is what an artist does
(Wed Dec 1 21:53:31 CST 1999 )
Pooya Kashefi-Far (micropeople[]hotmail.com) says...
Let me ask you something,
What is not art?
(Wed Dec 1 12:57:57 CST 1999 )
C. Price (drasstic[]yahoo.com) says...
Maybe something like: art is a symbolic representation of someone's
ideas, emotions, or thoughts in general, intended to convey this, or
evoke a similar state in another. This only raises a billion other
questions (many revolve around the word 'intend'). But hey, you
(Sun Nov 28 12:31:32 CST 1999 )
Randall Baker (philosopherkingrb[]msn.com) says...
Art is NOT "everything," or "anything you see," as some people claim. To say this is to rob the word of any meaning. For if "everything" is art, then saying, "this is art," says nothing more than "this is."
As to a positive definition, art has two functions: it is an application of certain principles to a specific medium, and it is the expression of thoughts and feelings. In the first case, it is the mastering of techniques, such as color, balance, tone, harmony, meter, etc. This is why Beethoven is art, even though it may make no emotional impression upon you at all. This is the stuff that requires some education to appreciate, the stuff most people nowadays do not appreciate. This is also why a John Woo film, particularly Face Off, can be art. The second function involves inspring emotions or provoking thought. This is why Emily Dickenson is art, even though she had no grasp of the technical devices of poetry beyond an intuitive one. It is also why Saving Private Ryan is art.
Occasionally, a work achieves both, and this is great art. Schindler's List (the movie) is great art. Grapes of Wrath (the book) is great art. Michaelangelo's Moses is great art. All of these showed the asthetic mastery of the techniques used in the medium, and further they used these techniques to inspire.
Finally, what makes art wonderful is that it is creation (whatever that means - you didn't ask). In this way, it is one of the ways that man is made in God's image, and is impossibly fantanstic and new, and will be for as long as we exist on this planet.
(Sat Nov 27 20:28:32 CST 1999 )
Binyamina says...
The language of feelings
(Sat Nov 27 15:52:47 CST 1999 )
tommy says...
art is shit
(Sat Nov 27 02:21:58 CST 1999 )
qhairul azizi ibrahim (putats[]wauamil.com) says...
(Thu Nov 25 11:03:05 CST 1999 )
Katy (kharrold[]wildmail.com) says...
Art is split into 2 catagories...
Natural art- what nature has given us and we take for granted
Man made art- what man has given us and we take for granted
Art is in the eye of the beholder
(Wed Nov 24 04:16:18 CST 1999 )
itzik says...
it sucks!!
(Tue Nov 23 02:40:36 CST 1999 )
janice (mia_anghel[]eudoramail.com) says...
art is bloody
(Sat Nov 20 20:07:21 CST 1999 )
babydoll says...
it's what i've got between my legs.
(Fri Nov 19 20:10:10 CST 1999 )
jessy (jc21[]planetalatino.com) says...
its a form of expression.
(Fri Nov 19 07:01:36 CST 1999 )
David Turner says...
It seems to me that Art is one of the many paths by which we attempt to understand ourselves and the world in which we live. It is catharis and exploration.
(Thu Nov 18 18:44:04 CST 1999 )
Lai Khing Ming (Khingming[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is everything. You can put everything in one space to express what ever idea you want.
(Tue Nov 16 05:11:34 CST 1999 )
Laurissa Yarborough (Laurissa[]bellsouth.net) says...
Art is anything that a person does that expresses some sort of emotion.
If it is expressive, it is art.
(Mon Nov 15 17:30:50 CST 1999 )
Vincent Martinelli says...
Art is the creation or prexistence of some thing that is created by one person or through a collaborative effort that based soley on asthetics is pleasing to the senses of one or more people.
(Sat Nov 13 04:52:37 CST 1999 )
D.W.Conn (artman8[]yahoo.com) says...
Art= illustrations representing mans thought, actions and temptations
(Wed Nov 10 22:46:35 CST 1999 )
Epic Dewfall (lucid[]storm.ca) says...
Everything we have to deal with is complex but it's also simple too. Art shows that simplitcity but not too simple please or it shows nothing.
(Wed Nov 10 04:05:15 CST 1999 )
Tom Davies (mr_cheerful[]cheerful.com) says...
Art is a capitalist conspiracy, a means for the maintenance of wealth in the hands of a few.
(Mon Nov 8 20:18:50 CST 1999 )
gib says...
Art is the act of doing something you enjoy.
(Mon Nov 8 19:14:36 CST 1999 )
Asif Huq (ahmed.huq[]magd.ox.ac.uk) says...
Art is a legal drug, arousing an atmospheric sensuality which adorns the recipient of the image. The image provides a window to the subconscious. The subsconcious stores and scrambles those subtle yet inexplicably resonant images derived from daily experience, often collating them in the form of a dream. Art performs the same function. Thus art is both a drug and a dream.
(Sun Nov 7 21:51:30 CST 1999 )
peterock (pedro_187[]hotmail.com) says...
whats up?
(Sun Nov 7 16:52:51 CST 1999 )
Chuck Kaplan (chkaluk[]attbusiness.net) says...
Art is opinion, totally subjective and fully intuitive. It's "quality" is known by most observers, and it does not get stale, but grows on you over time.
(Sun Oct 24 23:30:19 CDT 1999 )
Brent Stone says...
Art is a train of thought wreck.
(Wed Oct 20 22:00:10 CDT 1999 )
Marc S. says...
Art is thought expressed orally or physically.
(Tue Oct 12 20:45:50 CDT 1999 )
Nella (vnella[]mail.ru) says...
Art - it is not just expessions of feelings or any idea....
art- it is not just understanding of our existance it has more deeper constraction
may be the structure of our universe with its harmony of disharmony and it leads
us to any movement which develop ourselves
(Wed Oct 6 23:10:02 CDT 1999 )
Alex Scott (navarre01[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is the name for a wide set of socially inherited tools that we may use to derive meaning from things. There 'tools' can be used in accordance to or in contrast to other 'tools'/systems of understanding to give additional/alternate meanings.
(Wed Oct 6 00:23:07 CDT 1999 )
nella2 (vnella[]mail.ru) says...
art -is not just understanding of our existance it has more deeper constraction may be the
structure of the universe with its harmony of disharmony and it leads us to any movement which
develop ourselvs
(Tue Oct 5 23:10:21 CDT 1999 )
Nella (vnella[]mail.ru) says...
Art - it is not just expetion or any imitation of human feelings or ideas,
(Tue Oct 5 22:55:18 CDT 1999 )
jane watson (janevcbw[]hotmail.com) says...
(Sat Sep 25 08:06:14 CDT 1999 )
John Nutt (John.nutt []which.net) says...
Art is an Act.
(Wed Sep 15 06:35:49 CDT 1999 )
marc david leviton (marc.leviton[]worldnet.att.net) says...
art is the search for who we are. it is the expression of ourselves from within and without.
perhaps, being an artist is being like god, as if we have been blessed or damned to have to create. as if we have been givin an extra spark from god to create as it does and have the human race judge us for our choices.
or perhaps, art is really like expelling gas in a public forum. some people get offended, while others like it or just tolerate it and hang around. no matter what it has gotten the attention of the room.
(Tue Sep 14 14:51:27 CDT 1999 )
Bill Pulver 77342 says...
Art is as real as it is fake. The expression of one's point of view which either coincides with others or depicts the virtues they belevel in their assortment of daily guidances life's formalities enables them definition. Of course it is man-made, but it is perceptual beyond the normal cognition of the ordinary. Art is how I internally view the painting, or how I feel mentally/physically/spiritually after hearing the music, how I interpret what the artist is trying to relay. Art is sensual.
(Thu Sep 9 14:17:09 CDT 1999 )
nate scott (ellagante34[]hotmail.com) says...
art is what you feel is most precious and beautiful in your life.
(Wed Sep 8 20:57:46 CDT 1999 )
Jane (gkn45[]dial.pipex.com) says...
art is longing, is yearning, for the earthly unobtainable 'other'
(Wed Sep 8 14:47:38 CDT 1999 )
Ben Richins (Benr19[]yahoo.com) says...
art is something that is not real and must be made by human beings
(Tue Sep 7 22:50:38 CDT 1999 )
Jeremy Blomley (artfourart[]aol.com) says...
Art is like throwing a small pebble into a placid ocean, and somewhere across the sea you hope it creates a large wave.I sit and wait for it to come back to me.
(Mon Sep 6 14:07:50 CDT 1999 )
EDWARD FLEISHMAN (efleishman[]aol.com) says...
(Sun Sep 5 21:02:02 CDT 1999 )
C. Brady Meier (thechester[]juno.com) says...
Art is something artificial, something made by Humans.
(Sat Sep 4 08:11:37 CDT 1999 )
Fred (metascene[]hotmail.com) says...
art is whatever the Artist says it is.
(Sun Aug 29 11:19:38 CDT 1999 )
manuel radislao (manuel[]lcc-b.lasaltech.com) says...
Art is the objectification of human emotions and feelings presented in a stylized manner.
(Sun Aug 29 01:12:21 CDT 1999 )
sue (editor[]asapnet.net) says...
Art is misunderstood, mishandled, exploited, and underappreciated.
(Sat Aug 28 00:32:18 CDT 1999 )
Harrison AP 5 says...
Art is a person's intangible emotions and thoughts expressed or projected into a physical product.
(Thu Aug 26 15:58:01 CDT 1999 )
r.h.velvart (velvart[]idirect.com) says...
Art is the luxury of detachement while facing the incivility, crudeness and insensitivity of the coming century.
(Thu Aug 26 02:35:18 CDT 1999 )
Harrison AP 4 says...
Art is a creative expression which can mirror reality or propose new ideas.
(Tue Aug 24 16:48:33 CDT 1999 )
Harrison AP 3 says...
Art is anything that expresses a person's feelings or thoughts.
(Tue Aug 24 16:42:09 CDT 1999 )
Harrison AP 2 says...
Visual Art is a person's ideas and feelings expressed through the the elements and principles of design.
(Tue Aug 24 16:37:41 CDT 1999 )
Harrison AP 1 says...
Art is a personal expression.
(Tue Aug 24 16:34:33 CDT 1999 )
Bill (chant[]kdsi.net) says...
A person who plays in his or her excrement is know as?
(Tue Aug 17 21:21:46 CDT 1999 )
Bill (chant[]kdsi.net) says...
A person who plays in his or her excrement is know as?
(Tue Aug 17 21:21:16 CDT 1999 )
Byron Shafer (mr.b[]att.net) says...
If a man sees life as a blur, and paints a blur - that is art.
(Mon Aug 16 22:16:58 CDT 1999 )
Jøñ (trebuhc[]webtv.net) says...
always. is art.
(Mon Aug 16 16:40:08 CDT 1999 )
jason white says...
anything constructd for the purposes of art i.e anything that is intended as art, and as a bonus, if it is accepted as such.
anything not having to do with life
anything having a dual purpose, a mundane one and a lofty one
i don't know but heres some thoughts that come to mind.
hope it helps
(Sat Aug 7 13:32:45 CDT 1999 )
Mark Renner (renner454[]hotmail.com) says...
"Art is the laughter of God"
This explains why art proliferates in times of war and tragedy.
(Mon Aug 2 02:35:16 CDT 1999 )
Mark Renner (renner454[]hotmail.com) says...
Art- an inanimate object that makes animate objects do funny things. (convulse with noise, destroy, masturbate)
(Mon Aug 2 02:31:42 CDT 1999 )
Nothing can define art, But its like sex. The harder you work at it, the greater the satisfaction.
(Tue Jul 27 02:59:49 CDT 1999 )
Common sense says...
art is life.
(Mon Jul 26 21:56:12 CDT 1999 )
Stewart Schooley (genus[]ncweb.com) says...
Art is the enhancement of all human activities and experiences.
(Mon Jul 26 19:50:50 CDT 1999 )
Marc Estrin & Jim Higgins (jhiggins[]arts.vca.state.vt.us) says...
What is art? "Art is any intentional modification of the
environment that provokes one of the seven basic human
expressions: Yuk! OOO, Hmmmmm, Oi! Eh? MMMM, Ah!"
(Mon Jul 26 09:26:36 CDT 1999 )
simon says...
wasnt it that guy from that band.
simon and garfunkal
yeah art was garfunkal
he was cool
yeah i liked that dude
(Fri Jul 23 09:13:19 CDT 1999 )
Mike Roos (m_x_m[]hotmail.com) says...
real art is the artists view of spirituality and perfectness...nirvana.
there are pathetic artists that are jokes....but real art is beauty.
beautiful or distrubing they explain a lot more than we can put into
words. It lifts the soul and expands our brain.
(Fri Jul 23 09:09:26 CDT 1999 )
Trina (trina99[]ksmail.seed.net.tw) says...
it is very good
(Fri Jul 23 04:35:28 CDT 1999 )
Man O Kati (manokati[]aol.com) says...
Art is bringing fantasy into reality. Creating our inner most desires. Bringing to life what we see and feel. Art is a form of representation. It may represent what we wish, and what others wish.
(Mon Jul 19 10:37:36 CDT 1999 )
Phantom Lord (leo[]playagrande.com) says...
Art is... ooh... Doh!.
(Wed Jul 14 23:22:55 CDT 1999 )
That One Guy says...
Art is not a subjective experience of the creator. Art is a subjective experience in the audience. Now, the creator may be part of (or, indeed, comprise the whole of) the audience, but ultimately when a creation stops being merely an increase in entropy and starts being art, it has elicited a response within the audience. The degree to which this response is ennobling, informative, or even that desired by the creator is merely a measure of the quality of the artistic work.
(Sat Jul 10 21:30:07 CDT 1999 )
Susan Tolliver (sheba[]forestry.umt.edu) says...
Art is.
(Thu Jul 8 14:25:57 CDT 1999 )
BASORA (basoram[]yahoo.com) says...
Art is the expression of an individual, who records and captures the state of mind at a paticular moment in time, and will also be influenced by the outcome of the project.
(Fri Jun 18 12:51:23 CDT 1999 )
Oddlott (oddlotts[]aol.com) says...
Art is the beauty & anger felt and seen within each and everyone of us!
(Sun Jun 13 19:48:23 CDT 1999 )
Obo (obo[]hempseed.com) says...
is the battle against common sense. it rebuilds universal knowledge using a "warm boot" into an alternate operating system.
(Sat Jun 12 11:46:59 CDT 1999 )
Milo (gulag[]cadvision.com) says...
Art is for me like you are for you.
(Wed Jun 2 16:49:03 CDT 1999 )
Wiley (retr02000[]aol.com) says...
Art is a beer drinking perv in a wife beater.Re-arrange it,its a rAt.Some times its a club for self-rightous idiots.I like to think of it as a manifestation of consciousness.Unless your passed out.Then it would be dreaming.
(Mon May 24 02:10:26 CDT 1999 )
Josh McKnight (jamcknight[]yahoo.com) says...
Art is...the intentional creation, or replication of something in order to provoke thought and/or provide pleasure
(Mon May 3 18:58:50 CDT 1999 )
James Lee (Wyrm_ryder[]hotmail.com) says...
Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
You can't tell somebody what art is, they have to decide
it for themselves.
(Tue Apr 27 11:21:29 CDT 1999 )
Zela Charlton (zela[]igrin.co.nz) says...
A thing or action done by a human being which changes the perceptions of the observer ....
(Sat Apr 24 18:28:16 CDT 1999 )
Lovyan (lovyan[]wildmail.com) says...
Art is the mind, body, and spirit encompassed into anything that influences and satisfies without prejudice or pride.
(Mon Apr 19 20:53:15 CDT 1999 )
Lincoln (Beowulf[]umit.maine.edu) says...
Art is the phyical manifestation of an idea, created to serve a purpose.
(Wed Apr 14 14:26:09 CDT 1999 )
michelle (softball[]pacific.net.sg) says...
Art is the process of developing your innerself so much so that it pours out all the wonders and goodness in your soul.
(Sun Apr 11 02:52:35 CDT 1999 )
Mohamed Ghanem (mohamedg[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is the expression of:
1) One's self reflections, and
2) One's impressions of the surroundings.
(Fri Apr 2 06:03:13 CST 1999 )
Arsal (k1998062[]kiit.edu.pk) says...
art is something which comes from one's imagination,
inside the thoughts and the way of looking and feeling things.
(Wed Mar 24 04:41:23 CST 1999 )
cupcake says...
anything physical created by someone
(Wed Mar 17 15:24:58 CST 1999 )
prfctgrl (cculbe3[]lsu.edu) says...
we're all prfct
(Sun Mar 14 13:33:21 CST 1999 )
Prfctgrl says...
art is prfct
(Sun Mar 14 13:26:30 CST 1999 )
Issac (snowlion[]lanminds.com) says...
Any expression of thought.
(Tue Mar 9 21:36:50 CST 1999 )
Jenni Leder says...
Art is not anything until it is judged by the public. It is something you create that exhibits
one's feelings or emotions, or just something that looks good and done because you had to for class.
So many things are called art, but my opinion is that art is something produced by one's hands, and mind.
Let it be a drawing, painting, photograph, sculture. Things that are found in galleries. It must be
creative and original, and if a you can capture the viewers attention for more than 10 sec. you know
its art.
(Sun Mar 7 02:02:18 CST 1999 )
r.h.velvart (velvart[]idirect.com) says...
Art is anything we cannot do but admire, a work performed by someone to near-perfection in our eyes, regardless of opinions by others to the contrary.
(Sat Feb 27 15:27:01 CST 1999 )
G§M-again (music_i_sum[]juno.com) says...
it is more the act then the finnal product. Perhaps it is the inspreatian. Why must we define it?
The toa that is named is not the etrnal toa.
(Sat Feb 27 02:12:41 CST 1999 )
Game§Master (jeremystreich[]netscape.net) says...
any act of creation for a purpose. The same dfiniton applies to magic.
(Sat Feb 27 02:10:23 CST 1999 )
Eric Coker says...
The definition of art only seems to be elusive because it is a gift term. A painter has no right to call their own works "art" or to call themselves an "artist." These are terms that have to be bestowed by others, based on their appreciation of the person's creative expression of an idea.
It is perfectly possible for something to be "art" to one person but not to another. As a result, the term "art" is often used to label a creative endeavor that will be appreciated by most people. Instead of asking ourselves "What is art?", it would be more productive to look at specific works and ask ourselves "Is this art?".
(Tue Feb 23 21:49:10 CST 1999 )
simone (vortexya[]interpath.com) says...
it's three little letters that just can't hold it in any longer
(Mon Feb 22 17:08:38 CST 1999 )
David Sun says...
A man made representation of the world about us.
(Mon Feb 22 11:13:31 CST 1999 )
David Sun says...
A man made representation of the world about us.
(Mon Feb 22 11:08:43 CST 1999 )
Hercopulus (bac5[]hotmail.com) says...
Visit the VRML definition of ART !!
(Mon Feb 22 09:34:55 CST 1999 )
deborah (shithed[]hotmail.com) says...
Albert Einstein in his famous quote "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science".
(Mon Feb 15 16:32:16 CST 1999 )
Andrew '99 says...
Art is a word, like the words that make up this sentence.
(Fri Feb 12 18:20:25 CST 1999 )
Gregory T. Sloan (xpolarityx[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is a reflection of the subconcious, both individualy and societaly. What you see is really what you get.
(Sun Jan 31 21:26:03 CST 1999 )
bata (bbata5[]hotmail.com) says...
Art can be anything. The major question is what is good art. Is good art
universal, or is good art only on a personal level. To me good art is something
that catches you attention and makes you think, makes you think goddamnit i want ot see/hear
that again and again and again.
(Thu Jan 21 14:54:06 CST 1999 )
Candace Kozlowski (candymay[]hotmail.com) says...
Art to me, is a way to express yourself or your surroundings. It can be completely off the wall, but as long as you understand it and you got the chance to express how you felt, then it shouldn't matter what anyone has to say about ir or whether they like it or not!
(Thu Jan 21 00:17:09 CST 1999 )
Erin Arima (earima[]uwyo.edu) says...
Art is the free expression of a soul tied with barb wire and a lace ribbon. It is the id, the ego, and the super natural. It is more than a breath, but less than an orgasim. It is. It is.
(Tue Jan 19 15:57:17 CST 1999 )
anat (perlman2[]hotmail.com) says...
art is waht he call- art
(Tue Jan 19 03:29:58 CST 1999 )
dawn (lonsingr[]bucknell.edu) says...
arT is that uncomfortable warm of sitting in seat just abandoned.
(Mon Jan 18 18:50:16 CST 1999 )
kristi Roderick (kiki1263[]aol.com) says...
Art is relative to time - ever changing. We interpret art with the many facets of our mind. Art is as individual as ourselves, and it can be a collective of a fraction of time. Who decides what is art? You do!
(Sat Jan 16 16:58:13 CST 1999 )
A.T. '99 says...
Art is the laughter of God
(Wed Jan 13 01:48:01 CST 1999 )
nofari (nofari[]hotmail.com) says...
is every where in the world
(Tue Jan 12 11:42:40 CST 1999 )
chris (weapon_69[]hotmail.com) says...
a word symbolized by chinese art
(Sun Jan 10 19:30:43 CST 1999 )
jamie says...
someones vision shared with others
(Fri Jan 8 22:14:39 CST 1999 )
Jamie Brundage (jbrundage[]worldnet.att.net) says...
Someones vision shared with others
(Fri Jan 8 22:12:15 CST 1999 )
Anatoli says...
Art is a serious disease
(Thu Jan 7 10:21:05 CST 1999 )
jukka (jukka.kostet[]pp.inet.fi) says...
art is shit and everything is art
(Mon Jan 4 13:46:02 CST 1999 )
kelli (penguin[]csrlink.net) says...
Creation of art is a purging of one's mind and soul.
Interaction with art is the feeding of one's mind and soul.
(Sat Jan 2 10:30:58 CST 1999 )
Carl Schwartz (kidshouse[]webtv.net) says...
Art is a sense of mankind. What he perceives as "art" is art. Or
Art is a form of communication that touches on some common or univeral sensibility in mankind. Or
A universal form of communication that touches on some sensibility in mankind.
(Sat Jan 2 07:29:57 CST 1999 )
Carl Schwartz (kidshouse[]webtv.net) says...
After-afterthought--Art is a sensibility of mankind. What he perceives as "art" is art.
(Sat Jan 2 06:53:36 CST 1999 )
Carl Schwartz (kidshouse[]webtv.net) says...
Afterthought--A form of communication that touches on some common sensibility in mankind.
(Sat Jan 2 06:22:46 CST 1999 )
Carl Schwartz (kidshouse[]webtv.net) says...
A visual form of communication that touches on some universal sensibility in mankind.
(Sat Jan 2 06:05:19 CST 1999 )
jah (jharris[]whitebros.com) says...
art is what i see
(Thu Dec 31 13:12:18 CST 1998 )
Maryann says...
I believe ART to be an expression and release of SELF.
(Wed Dec 30 17:41:21 CST 1998 )
ladygabrielle (ladygabrielle[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is an existence which allows you to express your emotions to an outside audience It is to satisfy the artist's own desire to create an idea which evokes feelings and thought. Art is life.
(Wed Dec 30 12:39:35 CST 1998 )
Richard Drewyor (drewyor[]hiwaay.net) says...
If you don't understand it; it is art.
(Wed Dec 30 02:24:48 CST 1998 )
nancy O (nomawomyn[]aol.com) says...
Art is an attempt to explain human existence. Whether it is to demonstrate perception or concepts or to evoke emotional sympathy or horror at the human condition or to express one's inner trials or social inequities, art allows us to communicate our being is some form of meaningful expression.It is a deep need, a commmunication with those who have lived before us and those that someday will follow and with our contemporaries that share our world.
(Sun Dec 27 17:25:30 CST 1998 )
Jody Brewster (jody[]thespace) says...
...art is undefinable...
(Fri Dec 25 01:23:59 CST 1998 )
Craig Middleton (midds[]satlink.com.au) says...
Generally, art is an effort to contextualize our existence. Through an act of representation, then, it is hoped, the perceiver of that representation might, in fact, see the world and their relation to it, in an entirely new way. Art is the attempt to define ourselves. In the traditional sense, art is the striving for beauty. Most of us have forgotten this. This act of constantly striving for Beauty, for some, is the highest most worthwhile activity we can engage in - as life is short - and Beauty makes life worth living. Art is necessary.
(Wed Dec 23 20:38:49 CST 1998 )
Dulcie says...
Art is so passé
(Sun Dec 20 21:12:39 CST 1998 )
Homunculus (homunculus[]kunst.org) says...
Art is my former roomate's cousin twice removed.
(Thu Dec 10 01:24:28 CST 1998 )
Bill Pierce (pierce_w_[]_earth_link.net) says...
If you put a frame around it, you can call anything art.
(Thu Dec 10 01:18:18 CST 1998 )
Vanessa (pilly2[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is the way that we perceive something. It is the way a painting touches
us or envokes emotions in us. Art is not just the FINE arts as we think of..they are
movies, clothing, shoes-anything.
(Tue Dec 8 10:03:12 CST 1998 )
kz (kzaka[]bigfoot.com) says...
not the greek-english word "art"
but a concept/activity occasionally associated with
it = manifestation of consciousness.
it = consciousness of manifestation.
...interesting to read what a bunch of people i do not know
have to say about the definition of the term...
(aye to the web).
(Fri Dec 4 15:57:11 CST 1998 )
R Cordery (fbuy0[]central.susx.ac.uk) says...
After studying art, and its history for over 2 years I still have no idea
(Thu Dec 3 12:07:26 CST 1998 )
tom day (birdmangalaxy3[]hotmail.com) says...
ART is a cover for the Stalinst/Zionist FBI agency, who are trying to stamp out free people's rights to rewrite the Bible until it says 'please kill that negro, for he treads upon our hallowed Aryan trailer-park dirt', to allow us to freely indoctrinate our children with thoughts of race-hatred and gun-appreciation, despite being unable to spell the State they live in, to continue wearing whatever the damn hell we like, even if resembling a horde of fat, ugly, inbred retards. ART must be stopped at all costs. See y'all!
(Thu Dec 3 11:34:54 CST 1998 )
tom day (birdmangalaxy3[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is...
(Thu Dec 3 11:26:48 CST 1998 )
Dan Berens says...
First the definition of IS must be fully understood.
(Mon Nov 30 20:46:41 CST 1998 )
Trifolio (vagner[]vm.arq.br) says...
Arte é a o meio com o qual a interatividade representa nossos sentimentos,
únicos, conjuntos e universais para com os nossos irmãos na terra..
Trifolio - CAMPINAS - bRAZIL
(Mon Nov 30 19:59:39 CST 1998 )
Dan Auber (auber[]home.com) says...
Art is what you like - the rest is somebody's mistake.
(Fri Nov 27 12:15:34 CST 1998 )
Arne (Gahada[]swns.net) says...
Arguments over what is (painting?) and what isn't (photography?) art ignore the basic meaning.
Art is the representation of an idea.
It does not have to be the artist's intended idea since there can be unintentional art.
It does not exclude photography since a photograph is a representation of an idea; if you close your eyes and snap a photo of something you will not be conveying your idea but when you look at the print you will see that an idea has indeed been conveyed, even if it is the gravel under your feet.
It includes poetry, literature, dance, collage, etc etc.
What we get entangled in is the question of the worth of the art.
Is it good art?
Is it bad art?
A consensus or an individual opinion can assign value but that is not quantifiable.
What we can quantify is whether art is succesful in conveying the artist's (or another's) idea.
But to list the criteria for "successful art" is fought with the pitfalls of politics and opinion.
Art can be defined by logic.
Art cannot be judged by logic, at least on this planet.
I am a "realistic" sculptor.
Good luck.
(Tue Nov 24 14:42:39 CST 1998 )
Mr. Longfellow (Snakes[]maine.rr.com) says...
Art is my boner on a cold day.
(Sun Nov 22 17:18:27 CST 1998 )
Dulcie says...
Art is imagery that perpetuates the predominant shared social consensus, and satisfies the parts of the brain that connect image with knowledge.
(Sun Nov 22 05:51:30 CST 1998 )
(Tue Nov 17 20:12:08 CST 1998 )
(Tue Nov 17 20:11:14 CST 1998 )
(Tue Nov 17 20:08:00 CST 1998 )
david przekupowski (arete1[]hotmail.com) says...
art, or, that which is beautiful,(or ugly) produces a disinterested feeling of pleasure or pain in an individual. It pleases universally without a concept (subjective universality, people ought to feel the same way as i do). An aesthetic judgment is that which without any concept, is cognized as the object of a necessary satisfaction............(thanks to Immanuel Kant).
(Tue Nov 17 19:19:51 CST 1998 )
monica says...
art for me is food for the soul.
(Sun Nov 15 10:30:25 CST 1998 )
Holly Brabham (E.Brabham[]students.oglethorpe.edu) says...
Art is a way to pass time, create lasting beaurt, please yourself and others, and a way of synthesizing something timeless.
(Sun Nov 15 09:49:31 CST 1998 )
monica says...
It is a creation of the human mind.
(Sun Nov 15 09:45:40 CST 1998 )
alex says...
Art is science of understanding music, theatre, plays
(Sun Nov 15 09:43:08 CST 1998 )
aikens (aikens[]intrepid.net) says...
why is everyone so worked up over a mechanic from Minnesota?
(Wed Nov 11 20:30:14 CST 1998 )
shoshi says...
art for me is food for the soul
(Sun Nov 8 10:17:04 CST 1998 )
svetlana says...
art is my life.
(Sun Nov 8 10:16:02 CST 1998 )
shlomit says...
expression of talent.
(Sun Nov 8 10:12:20 CST 1998 )
Bracha Lass says...
The realization of a mental concept, stimulated by a certain experience, with the intention to stimulate the other, with aesthetic characteristics.
(Sun Nov 8 10:04:15 CST 1998 )
Bracha Lass says...
The realization of a mental concept, stimulated by a certain experience, with the intention to stimulate the other, with aesthetic characteristics.
(Sun Nov 8 10:04:14 CST 1998 )
ada says...
art is what gives another humen a spiecel kind of expirient
(Sun Nov 8 09:59:03 CST 1998 )
dalia says...
art is a distinctive way of looking at thhe world
(Sun Nov 8 09:56:00 CST 1998 )
alex says...
It is a creation of the human mind.
(Sun Nov 8 09:53:46 CST 1998 )
shoshi baum (baumavi[]inter.net.il) says...
art for me is food for the soul.
(Sun Nov 8 09:53:19 CST 1998 )
niza says...
art is maney
(Sun Nov 8 09:53:12 CST 1998 )
nikki and lynnette says...
The definition of art is someones mental, sexual, physical outbursts of their conceptions of anything and everything.
(Wed Nov 4 21:50:45 CST 1998 )
Andost (andost[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is the representative of history. It defines our history. It is the best prove for human existence.
Art is beauty. The beauty of nature, the beauty of nature, the beauty of the world, the beauty of life.
Art is an international language which used through the world. Art is a way of communication that can do better than words.
Art is yourself. It represent yourself. It tells all about yourself. It define yourself.
(Mon Nov 2 18:21:54 CST 1998 )
Dr. Dan Ronen (dronen[]ccsg.tau.ac.il) says...
1. It is a creation of the human mind.
2. The creator has labelled it "art".
3. It is accepted by the recepient as "art".
(Mon Nov 2 17:11:52 CST 1998 )
JB says...
a pain in the arse
(Mon Nov 2 08:59:07 CST 1998 )
Bill Clinton (oval[]whitehouse.usa) says...
Telling lies itself is an ART.
(Sun Nov 1 05:52:02 CST 1998 )
James (neuralgi[]usa.net) says...
Photographic Artwork by swedish boy James:)
See also http://start.at/neuralgi
(Sat Oct 31 08:22:17 CST 1998 )
Brock Tharpe (Battman33[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is music on paper or on a canvas.The only difference is we do not have
a musician jumping around on stage revealing their emotions. All we have is
the pictures and we must decide how much emotion the artists put in their
work on our own.
(Wed Oct 28 08:36:15 CST 1998 )
Martin (decheva[]mail.bol.bg) says...
As we know the art is a kind of communication so we could say that the first necessary condition for the "happening" of the art is three simple things:
a sender (someone who makes an announcement)
an announcement
a recipent
What makes the art different from other kind of communication?
The recipent is unknown.
The announcement is coded.
(Tue Oct 27 10:09:52 CST 1998 )
Martin (decheva[]mail.bol.bg) says...
As we know the art is a kind of communication so we could say that the first necessary condition for the "happening" of the art is three simple things:
a sender (someone who makes an announcement)
an announcement
a recipent
What makes the art different from other kind of communication?
The recipent is unknown.
The announcement is coded.
(Tue Oct 27 10:04:06 CST 1998 )
Deborah Hall (dlh1345[]mailer.fsu.edu) says...
Art is a brain fart enacted under the creative muse with relevancy to the previous brain farts that have come before it. Art speaks beyond the limits of spoken and written language. It speaks in metaphor, in symbol, and in spirit.
(Sun Oct 18 20:45:24 CDT 1998 )
Deborah Hall (dlh1345[]mailer.fsu.edu) says...
Art is a brain fart enacted under the creative muse with relevancy to the previous brain farts that have come before it. Art speaks beyond the limits of spoken and written language. It speaks in metaphor, in symbol, and in spirit.
(Sun Oct 18 20:32:00 CDT 1998 )
chris Fuller (meetchrisfuller[]msn.com) says...
Art is anything I say is art.
(Sat Oct 17 16:26:01 CDT 1998 )
Agnieszka Guzewska (chri0806[]sable.ox.ac.uk) says...
Art is the most precious fruit of the most sensuous part of our perception.
(Fri Oct 16 11:30:24 CDT 1998 )
doritita espiritus (doritita[]hotmail.com) says...
and to define is to defy it
(Thu Oct 15 13:31:16 CDT 1998 )
pharoah (sonycheba[]hotmail.com) says...
my def. of art is that you can not define art. Art is every creation hat god made.
(Wed Oct 14 10:42:14 CDT 1998 )
Harry Wilson (hwilson[]nii.net) says...
Art is an expression by the human hand rendering something measurably banal, as something beautiful, (beauty being always a reward for our existence). Art commands an audience, commands intrepretation-- and exists, therefore, as something absolute. Art is always technically evidence of an inspiration: the better the work, the stronger it defies duplication.
"Insouciance" is art. "Lack of concern" is not.
(Tue Oct 13 09:04:13 CDT 1998 )
paul henrickson (paul_henrickson[]webtv.net) says...
(Mon Oct 5 19:22:17 CDT 1998 )
Jeff Reynolds (jefferycindy[]hotmail.com) says...
The question "what is art" is perplexing. Is art nothing more than the imitation of life itself? The lie that tells the truth. A deceptive yet honest look at the world that we live in.
The vision seen by our senses is not real; however, what our history as a particular culture percieves from the vision is the truth.
(Wed Sep 30 13:21:20 CDT 1998 )
Tim Smith (frfreck[]idsi.net) says...
Art is a way for a person to try and express how they feel to other people
Most of the time, it doesn't work because only few people will understand that person
E.G there soul mates.
(Sun Sep 27 12:01:30 CDT 1998 )
Erik Johnson (ecjohnsn[]uiuc.edu) says...
Art is that which awakens in us a sense of wonder.
(Wed Sep 23 17:54:53 CDT 1998 )
Ola Espelid (oespelid[]online.no) says...
Art is a fart when you dart.
(Fri Sep 18 00:15:09 CDT 1998 )
Joey McMurray (jcm77[]email.byu.edu) says...
a visual provocation of emotion
(Tue Sep 15 22:15:22 CDT 1998 )
ÇÑÁÖ¿µ (janet7[]netian.com) says...
¿¹¼úÀº ¹ÙÅÏÀ» ³Ñ°Ü ¹Þ´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù.
âÁ¶ÀÛ¾÷ÀÌÁö¸¸, ±× âÁ¶µµ ¹°·Á¹ÞÀº °ÍÀ̱⠶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.
³ªÀÇ È¨ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡´Â ±×·¯ÇÑ ¹°ÁõÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. ²À Çѹø ¹æ¹®ÇØÁÖ¾úÀ¸¸é ÇÑ´Ù.
(Mon Sep 14 10:24:43 CDT 1998 )
ÇÑÁÖ¿µ (janet7[]netian.com) says...
¿¹¼úÀº ¹ÙÅÏÀ» ³Ñ°Ü ¹Þ´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù.
âÁ¶ÀÛ¾÷ÀÌÁö¸¸, ±× âÁ¶µµ ¹°·Á¹ÞÀº °ÍÀ̱⠶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.
³ªÀÇ È¨ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡´Â ±×·¯ÇÑ ¹°ÁõÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. ²À Çѹø ¹æ¹®ÇØÁÖ¾úÀ¸¸é ÇÑ´Ù.
(Mon Sep 14 10:24:32 CDT 1998 )
ÇÑÁÖ¿µ (janet7[]netian.com) says...
¿¹¼úÀº ¹ÙÅÏÀ» ³Ñ°Ü ¹Þ´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù.
âÁ¶ÀÛ¾÷ÀÌÁö¸¸, ±× âÁ¶µµ ¹°·Á¹ÞÀº °ÍÀ̱⠶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.
³ªÀÇ È¨ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡´Â ±×·¯ÇÑ ¹°ÁõÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. ²À Çѹø ¹æ¹®ÇØÁÖ¾úÀ¸¸é ÇÑ´Ù.
(Mon Sep 14 10:24:22 CDT 1998 )
elton (elton[]hanmail.net) says...
art is love
(Mon Sep 14 10:14:52 CDT 1998 )
Leonardo (cartman13[]prodigy.net) says...
Art is the creation of things with the intent to express or produce emotion by stimulation of any or all of the five senses and or the minds eye.
(Mon Sep 14 09:26:43 CDT 1998 )
Michelle (m.degarmo[]mail.utexas.edu) says...
Art is expresssing your deepest, most sacred concerns and feelings about life in any form possible.
(Sun Sep 13 17:31:17 CDT 1998 )
Tuck John Porter (tjp[]jps.net) says...
Art is the visual expression of life.
(Sat Sep 12 22:31:19 CDT 1998 )
Rocco says...
Art is the curve of a good curl. I'm talkin' about liften weights
(Wed Sep 9 13:02:11 CDT 1998 )
keith O'Connor ((koconnor[]ppt.gc.ca ) says...
Please remove my definition. Ever since I placed it I have been bothered by phone sex e-mails.
thank you.
(Tue Sep 8 08:13:05 CDT 1998 )
Alicia says...
Art is a way of expressing the deepest corners of your inner most being.
(Wed Sep 2 21:19:04 CDT 1998 )
Big Daddy Hos (a2038[]truman.edu) says...
Art is a glimpse into the human soul in all it's glory. (Also known as my little friend)
(Wed Sep 2 20:53:06 CDT 1998 )
Glen Morris (glenm[]sonic.net) says...
"Art is any act of creation that extends one's understanding of the worlds around him/her and the extention of one's ego with a materail result.'
(Sun Aug 30 23:20:36 CDT 1998 )
pygoya (cyberstaff[]lastplace.com) says...
Art - a figment of the imagination made comprehensible by those who can
sense such to transcend its earthly physical medium.
(Thu Aug 27 02:29:37 CDT 1998 )
Frank Lopez (ulopefr[]lake.ollusa.edu) says...
Art is any object of which it catches the eye. Art has special meaning that everyone knows about. You just have to look for it, and when you find, you will realize that that object you just saw was ART!
(Wed Aug 26 15:24:40 CDT 1998 )
Leslie E. Spann (boobeth[]earthlink.com) says...
Art is the essence of humanity. Not good or bad, just what's
so about being a human.
(Wed Aug 26 14:01:36 CDT 1998 )
zimm (zimm[]yahoo.com) says...
art is my dogs name
(Mon Aug 24 23:08:05 CDT 1998 )
Tom McQuaid (TomM1[]aol.com) says...
An Artist is one who has a glimpse of something nonfunctional in his mind that will not let him lose until it is explores it in the real world. Art is the product of that exploration. It is an expression to himself as much as it is to others.
(Mon Aug 24 14:42:36 CDT 1998 )
Keith O'Connor (koconnor[]ppt.gc.ca) says...
Art,having its roots in animism, is the perceptual sensing of the real in the unreal.This implies that art is the dynamic experience of fusing materials and imiganation in a waking dream. The product of the dream "art work" becomes a corpse to be studied for information leading to the next dynamic experience.
(Fri Aug 21 14:28:07 CDT 1998 )
artsyfartsy person (blackwoolley[]hotmail.com.au) says...
Art is basically a damn fine oppertunity to act outside the confines of our ever present upstanding and down the straight and narrow society that we encounter day to day. Its the lifebouy for the sinking slowly in the sea of slops.
(Mon Aug 17 07:40:24 CDT 1998 )
artsyfartsy person (blackwoolley[]hotmail.com.au) says...
Art is basically a damn fine oppertunity to act outside the confines of our ever present upstanding and down the straight and narrow society that we encounter day to day. Its the lifebouy for the sinking slowly.
(Mon Aug 17 07:39:37 CDT 1998 )
daniel chang (dlc70[]msn.com) says...
Art is a reflection of the splendor of God.
(Fri Aug 14 17:36:20 CDT 1998 )
åsa toyra (asa.toyra[]vov.se) says...
art is anything and everything created, material and non-material.
(Thu Aug 13 03:10:16 CDT 1998 )
Alejandra (aher705133[]aol.com) says...
Art is the rich blood that runs tru our bodies, we may not all notice
it but we: live, dress, eat, live in, buy, sell, make, read, hear, and see eveery day of our lives. There is no right or wrong aslong as there is another that appreciates the statement.
(Sun Aug 9 22:36:50 CDT 1998 )
CaveMan (10244406[]pager.mirabilis.com) says...
Art is the refliction of the progress of human existence. It involves
different time period and civilization to educate the future. In this
sense, things that are part of human development are part of Ars.
(Tue Jul 21 15:14:19 CDT 1998 )
Igor Ulanovsky (ulanovi[]mail.biu.ac.il) says...
Art is a direct interactive man and God dialog.
(Wed Jul 15 00:24:37 CDT 1998 )
Pygoya (pygoya[]pixi.com) says...
Life creates art that sees life
(Fri Jul 10 15:31:01 CDT 1998 )
piers crawford (piers[]ion.com.au) says...
(Tue Jul 7 05:41:59 CDT 1998 )
piers crawford (piers[]ion.com.au) says...
(Tue Jul 7 05:28:07 CDT 1998 )
Danny Lacher (mulder98[]gte.net) says...
Art is the means in which the soul communicates.
(Mon Jul 6 14:01:35 CDT 1998 )
Tim Roache (ethansdad[]webtv.net) says...
art is self expression that somehow transcends mere self expression and crosses over into the realm of the truly sublime. Sublimnity may take an infinite variety of forms which may elicit an infinite number of responses. Art is also born when the Art Establishment embraces something that is submitted as art, and says it's art. I can piss on the floor and call it art. But it's not art unless someone with the power to annoint it as such believes in me, buys into my vision, and accepts my reasons for claiming it as art. Then it aquires value as a commodity and is coveted. I paint. My paintings are not art until someone who is accepted by the illuminati as knowing what art is accepts my claim for my work as being art, says O.K., I see that, and says it's art. Sublimnity in self expression exists apart from this kind of recognition, certainly. But if you want to make a living or be recognized by those who have the power, petition the illuminati. The title Art is not claimed, it is bestowed.
(Mon Jun 29 21:48:29 CDT 1998 )
Vito Salvatore (vito[]badart.com) says...
Anything that makes you squirm when you look at it, the opposite of good ...in short, bad.
(Fri Jun 26 17:05:28 CDT 1998 )
SAFAK (safak9[]hotmail.com) says...
ART is everything on the word
(Fri Jun 26 01:35:47 CDT 1998 )
SAFAK (safak9[]hotmail.com) says...
ART is everyting on the word.
(Fri Jun 26 01:35:16 CDT 1998 )
Marek Kacki (Bohemus) (bohemus[]home.com) says...
Every thought, every mood, every desire and every sensation that says: I.
(Thu Jun 18 21:31:14 CDT 1998 )
Dane Huitfeldt says...
Seriously, art is a way of expressing one's feelings or emotions through the means of a selfmade object or work.
(Sat Jun 13 18:59:55 CDT 1998 )
G Harris (George[]hypertech.yk.ca) says...
Art is life. Life is art. Live artfully.
(Thu Jun 11 18:29:57 CDT 1998 )
G Harris (George[]hypertech.yk.ca) says...
Art is life
(Thu Jun 11 18:25:13 CDT 1998 )
Artemis Gordon (beat[]thegrid.net) says...
Art is property. Property is theft.
(Tue Jun 2 15:27:51 CDT 1998 )
Art (beat[]thegrid.net) says...
Art has no opposite. It is a self defining act.
(Tue Jun 2 15:24:07 CDT 1998 )
Nick Beat (nickbeat[]thegrid.net) says...
Art is a universe we can participate in.
(Tue Jun 2 12:03:25 CDT 1998 )
Nick Beat (nickbeat[]thegrid.net) says...
Art is the material expression of the desire to understand the meaning of creation.
(Tue Jun 2 12:02:07 CDT 1998 )
jasmine (nadiah_13[]hotmail.com) says...
To me ART is something and everything...and nothing........and i love ART..........
(Tue May 26 08:34:18 CDT 1998 )
MELISSA says...
(Wed May 20 19:36:27 CDT 1998 )
Krystal Scott (iamgay[]homo.com.au) says...
any children under the age of three
(Wed May 20 19:32:27 CDT 1998 )
Adam Butt (n/a[].com.au) says...
Art is any naked male body
(Wed May 20 19:28:43 CDT 1998 )
Paulius Kuncinas (trin0323[]sable.ox.ac.uk) says...
Art is artefacts produced by people for the artworld
(Wed May 20 15:57:51 CDT 1998 )
Franz Maruna (statusq[]hotmail) says...
Art is why.
get it?
.... heh.
(Sun May 17 16:56:00 CDT 1998 )
holly wellington says...
(Wed May 13 23:17:58 CDT 1998 )
(Wed May 13 23:10:55 CDT 1998 )
peter pringle says...
(Wed May 13 22:57:21 CDT 1998 )
Ken Mora (kenmora[]aol.com) says...
Art is the symbolic residue of personal reflection.
(Tue May 12 14:22:04 CDT 1998 )
Iain Middleton (witheld for [] spam-free life) says...
a) Stuff people do.
b) Overrated.
c) What people unable to deal with their inadequacies grasp onto in the hope
that they will appear to be more interesting.
(Tue May 12 12:51:16 CDT 1998 )
Phyllis Miller (phyllis_miller[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is Warrior Russ Reyes sitting across the table, under an umbrella, rooster nearby and me captivated by his passionate eyes and glowing soul. My fantasy finally realized after 25 years of searching.
(Mon May 11 00:58:45 CDT 1998 )
Ansgard Thomson (athomson[]lands.ab.ca) says...
Art is a skillfully created form of expression of anything.
(Sat May 9 22:46:05 CDT 1998 )
Jon Genzales (jt.genzales[]hotmail.com) says...
Any brief definition of art would oversimplify the matter, but we
can say that all the definitions offered over the centuries include
some notion of human agency, whether through manual skills (as in the
art of sailing or painting or photography), intellectual manipulation
(as in the art of politics), or public or personal expression (as in
the art of conversation). Recall that the word is etymologically
related to artificial -- i.e., produced by human beings.
Since this embraces many types of production that are not
conventionally deemed to be art, perhaps a better term for them
would be visual culture. This would explain why certain
preindustrial cultures produce objects which Eurocentric interests
characterize as art, even though the producing culture has no
linguistic term to differentiate these objects from utilitarian
artifacts. Having said that, we are still left with a class of
objects, ideas and activities that are held to be separate or
special in some way. Even those things which become art even though
they are not altered in any material way -- e.g., readymades -- are
accorded some special status in a describable way. Because of this
complexity, writers have developed a variety of ways to characterize
the art impulse. Ellen Dissanayake's What is Art For? lists these as
follows (in no particular order):
the product of conscious intention,
a self rewarding activity,
a tendency to unite dissimilar things,
a concern with change and variety,
the aesthetic exploitation of familiarity vs. surprise,
the aesthetic exploitation of tension vs. release,
the imposition of order on disorder,
the creation of illusions,
an indulgence in sensuousness,
the exhibition of skill,
a desire to convey meanings,
an indulgence in fantasy,
the aggrandizement of self or others,
the heightening of existence,
personal adornment or embellishment,
the giving of meaning to life,
the generation of unselfconscious experience,
the provision of paradigms of order and/or disorder,
training in the perception of reality
(Tue Apr 28 07:35:53 CDT 1998 )
Zozzy (zoz[]zozgraphics.com) says...
Or maybe we should ask..."What is Art MEANT to be?"
After all, are we not works of art ourselves?
(Wed Apr 22 16:34:58 CDT 1998 )
neville langley (nlangley[]cricklade.ac.uk) says...
This question cannot seriously be considered unless it is put into the context of a particular historical period. The production, consumption and understanding of "art" is constantly changing.
(Tue Apr 21 11:50:19 CDT 1998 )
jonathan prince (jonathan[]killyourtv.com) says...
art is being the verb
(Sun Apr 19 21:11:42 CDT 1998 )
Russ Grigsby (russg[]gte.net) says...
Art, emotions in a physical, tangible, touchable state.
(Fri Apr 17 08:05:39 CDT 1998 )
stelios says...
art is self gatifying masturbation, the essence of creativty is held in the seed
(Fri Apr 17 07:01:45 CDT 1998 )
stelios says...
art is self gratifying masterbation, the essence of creativty is held in the seed
(Wed Apr 15 10:28:04 CDT 1998 )
stelios says...
art is self gratifying masterbation, the essence of craetivty is held in the seed
(Wed Apr 15 09:33:58 CDT 1998 )
standard issue (modular[]rogers.wave.ca) says...
art is a science with more than 7 variables.
(Wed Apr 15 09:01:29 CDT 1998 )
Bill Ritchie (splash&splatter[]fcc.net) says...
ART is: a means to control ones real or fantasy universe through physical manipulation.
(Sat Apr 11 07:54:27 CDT 1998 )
Norman (chip[]stumpworld.com) says...
This is pointless, why did i bother?
(Thu Apr 9 10:36:29 CDT 1998 )
Wenceslao (wenceslao[]arrakis.es) says...
A veces siento el pánico,
a veces siento como mis dedos se prolongan
hasta unirse con los pulsos del teclado
como cables orgánicos que me hermanan con la computadora.
Puedo verlo con mis ojos,
como si estubiera ocurriendo realmente;
Esta situación ha llegado a tal extremo,
que ya no sé distinguir si el real o nó.
Mis ojos ya no miran como antes,
ahora todo lo veo bajo escalas graduadas;
Y en este ambiente ensordecedor,
mi respiración se hace lenta
hasta el extremo de sentir que no respiro
que estoy suspendido en una pompa,
en una esfera de cristal.
Así pasan varios minutos, varias horas,
a veces creo que son varios días,
hasta que rompo en una bocanada desmesurada de aire,
y todo mi cuerpo se llena de un oxígeno
que aniquila mis pensamientos.
(Thu Apr 9 06:54:55 CDT 1998 )
Ben Mulvey (benjhk[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is the expression of meaning through form.
(Sat Apr 4 00:45:11 CST 1998 )
Lysander F Ross (Dr.Lysander.Ross[]usa.net) says...
Art is something You can deal with .
(Sat Mar 28 07:08:43 CST 1998 )
Shyamanuja Das (shyamanuj.vad[]cmil.com) says...
Art is the expression of oneself, done without any objective other than
self-expression. Any discipline, intention, conscious message...if they creep into the art, dilute the art. Art, for artrs sake, is also an objective. That done consciuosly is also not art
(Sat Mar 28 01:55:47 CST 1998 )
Han,Joo-Young (janet7[]kebi.com) says...
art is ...
Find quarrel in a straw.
So art is alive.
(Fri Mar 27 06:05:37 CST 1998 )
bob says...
art is fuck'n shit
(Mon Mar 23 03:44:45 CST 1998 )
bob says...
art is fuck'n shit
(Mon Mar 23 03:44:33 CST 1998 )
bob says...
art is fuck'n shit
(Mon Mar 23 03:43:40 CST 1998 )
Butthead (Benton7[]ibm.net) says...
Uh.... like... huh huh.... uh...
Art sucks, or something. Huh huh.
(Sun Mar 22 23:41:52 CST 1998 )
Mandy Nelson says...
When i think of art the first thing that comes to mind is one's imagination. It is the study of creativity in someone's mind.
(Tue Mar 17 19:27:39 CST 1998 )
Nicole (nmarroqu[]online.emich.edu) says...
Art is anything someone does at least one thing to,
but then again,
it may not be an object.
It may simply be the thought,
which can exist with or without the material object.
Wait, what about sound art...
(Mon Mar 16 19:36:25 CST 1998 )
J Stangaro (Rootxx[]aol.com) says...
Art is recycled reality.... The "shit" of our perception of our world.
(Sat Mar 14 21:14:48 CST 1998 )
well, I...huh! (dmf23[]neuron.net) says...
Art is what you call a guy with no arms
and no legs hanging on the wall.
(Fri Mar 13 12:35:31 CST 1998 )
ralph spoilsport (r_spoilsport[]hotmail.com) says...
art is the pus forming in the wounds of life as we try to heal ourselves.
(Fri Mar 13 10:43:57 CST 1998 )
Taylor Crawford says...
Art is the name of a guy my mom used to date.
(Wed Mar 11 12:57:29 CST 1998 )
Taylor Crawford says...
Art is the name of a guy my mom used to date.
(Wed Mar 11 12:57:27 CST 1998 )
BISPO (abispo[]usa.net) says...
ART IS...,WELL...ART IS...IS...SAY...,AHHHH...!!??
(Wed Mar 11 06:05:08 CST 1998 )
M. Youngster, Architect (mendy[]sitcom.co.il) says...
Art is the skill to think about as many as possible means to describe an object, feeling, scene, etc. and to choose out of those the most appropriate one in terms of time and space.
(Sun Mar 8 14:01:50 CST 1998 )
M. Youngster, Architect (mendy[]sitcom.co.il) says...
Art is the skill to think about as many as possible means to describe an object, feeling, scene, etc. and to choose out of those the most app appropriate one in terms of time and space.
(Sun Mar 8 13:58:38 CST 1998 )
joe heath (jheathj[]juno.com) says...
art is anything that is a reflection of a thought, idea, or feeling.
(Thu Mar 5 19:11:56 CST 1998 )
Phil (qflynt213[]diversion.com) says...
Art is an outward expression of internal ideas and abstractions.
(Wed Mar 4 11:18:12 CST 1998 )
Rosi Jory (joryr[]unbsj.ca) says...
Art is what makes the world go round
(Sun Mar 1 18:13:13 CST 1998 )
johanna (oria[]worldnet.att.net) says...
a reflection of life and all it encompasses.
(Sun Mar 1 06:17:36 CST 1998 )
74 house (cmvoon[]pc.jaring.myfelling) says...
(Sun Mar 1 02:01:59 CST 1998 )
Alla Efimova (aefimova[]aol.com) says...
I agree with the Dadaists and Duchamp:"Art is shit" (excrement, secretion).
(Fri Feb 27 17:04:11 CST 1998 )
ray-ban says...
art is the demon sleeping within ourselves
(Fri Feb 27 12:35:29 CST 1998 )
mimi (345fdi5[]cmuvm.cmich.edu) says...
Art is the expression of the emotions within the self... it is
beauty and freedom... torment and evil... art is music as long as
the mind is in tune with its soul... truth.
(Thu Feb 26 19:19:53 CST 1998 )
David Tucker (DavidBishopTucker[]e-mail.msn.com) says...
Everything to some, and something to all.
(Wed Feb 25 18:08:42 CST 1998 )
David Tucker (DavidBishopTucker[]e-mail.msn.com) says...
Everything to some, and somthing to all.
(Wed Feb 25 18:08:06 CST 1998 )
milo (milo[]hydra.com.au) says...
art is what dogs like
(Sat Feb 21 07:30:06 CST 1998 )
^noor^ (hash4luv[]yahoo.com) says...
To live and to be alive.....is everyone's desire....and to fulfill this what that is so much helpful is arts. God created man and created everything that exists in nature....He himself loved to create and gave this art of creating to us....and to create something is the most perfect thing in this world......to cause to happen and to give some thing a form whether it's 3D or 2D...is such an amazing thing to do.
being creative means to see an object....feel it ...visualize it ...make it's images with help of your imagination and blend these images with your feelings of love, happiness, joys and sorrows....and then create what you got in the end. art is creating ...and creating is to appreciate God and His work...to me art is like worshipping God and a meduim of communicating with him .
(Fri Feb 20 10:51:45 CST 1998 )
NiccoleRiddle (nriddle[]prairie.nodak.edu) says...
Something that is an illusion. People open their minds to be decieved by art. They use there imaginations to make art "good" or "bad".
(Wed Feb 18 00:58:03 CST 1998 )
xyobon says...
art is an artifact of any existing thing or pattern or idea..
the enjoyment of art is only possible for the homo sapien brain.
(Sun Feb 15 19:42:01 CST 1998 )
Bridget Disney (bdisney[]infobridge.com) says...
Art is what touches your soul and not just your senses.
(Fri Feb 13 17:38:28 CST 1998 )
SO (ab11235[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is a very small, off-duty Austrian traffic cop. Or a banana.
(Tue Feb 10 21:13:29 CST 1998 )
chandler (amyrc[]pacbell.net) says...
Art is God's way of allowing us to feel a little of his passion to create.
(Tue Feb 10 20:18:43 CST 1998 )
Kelli Hage (khage[]plains) says...
I believe that art is an expression of one's thoughts and feelings. It is a form of communication between the viewer and the artist; it can also be an inner communication for the artist herself. Art is a way of viewing life, reality, and your imagination all in one.
(Thu Feb 5 08:55:32 CST 1998 )
Todd S. McFadden (tmcfadde[]emerald.tufts.edu) says...
a visual expression, produced by humans, that represent or signify
emotion(s) and/or (an)idea(s.
(Tue Feb 3 17:36:13 CST 1998 )
jon kaufman (tchstne[]datastar.net) says...
the attempt to convey the nature of ideal form by the use of transient form or to use the materials of illusion to glimpse reality
(Tue Feb 3 10:59:08 CST 1998 )
stephanie good (daisy5[]earthlink.net) says...
art is an expression.
(Mon Feb 2 14:17:13 CST 1998 )
nay says...
ones personal form of expressing feelings,thoughts or ideas,through many varying mediums,be that through painting,sculpture,music,dance or acting
(Sun Feb 1 18:18:53 CST 1998 )
koizen (srfgrl[]mailcity) says...
Art is whatever lends to the observer deep sensation, either physical, mental, emotional,or spiritual anyone of these or a combination there of.
(Wed Jan 28 19:48:56 CST 1998 )
T. Rachael McCatty says...
Art is an expression of one's thoughts and desires.
(Wed Jan 28 12:39:09 CST 1998 )
Ann Isik (tadge[]candw.ky) says...
Art is the visual communication of some aspect of the philosophy of the artist making the work of art.
(Wed Jan 28 04:46:31 CST 1998 )
Ann Isik (tadge[]candw.ky) says...
Art is the visual communication of some aspect of the philosophy of the artist making the work of art.
(Wed Jan 28 04:46:15 CST 1998 )
E. H. Park (c766[]fhsu.edu) says...
Art is feeling and emotion.
(Sun Jan 25 15:41:37 CST 1998 )
GERALD S BRAUN (Gerald.Braun[]lrz.uni-muenchen.de) says...
AND LOGICAL (and this is the subjective component about it) IN ITSELF THAT
(Wed Jan 21 15:45:24 CST 1998 )
Rob Huston (huston[]rogers.wave.ca) says...
Art is love. .evol si trA
Love is art. .tra si evoL
(Wed Jan 21 15:38:54 CST 1998 )
cHeE CHooNG (yellowchair[]yahoo.com) says...
Is it something more being Represented than being Reflected. However It is still a 'UNIVERSAL ' language, agree?
Just felt disgusted when it is not being interprete right thou!..
Discuss Disgust and regards. Tham
(Tue Jan 20 20:45:13 CST 1998 )
cHeE CHooNG (yellowchair[]yahoo.com) says...
Is it something more being Represented than being Relected. However It is still a 'UNIVERSAL ' language, agree?
Just felt disgusted when it is not being interprete right thou!..
Discuss Disgust and regards. Tham
(Tue Jan 20 20:43:56 CST 1998 )
sidi (spectra[]indosat.net.id) says...
(Tue Jan 20 03:01:00 CST 1998 )
Sheila Baldwin (sheilabaldwin[]hotmail.com) says...
I believe art is anything or object an individual or group creates on
their own with meaning to themselve(s).
(Mon Jan 19 18:29:52 CST 1998 )
Malcolm McCallum (mmccallum[]itp.uvic.ca) says...
Art is the manifestation of genius
(Mon Jan 19 16:45:52 CST 1998 )
Larry Seiler (lseiler[]execp.com) says...
The visual measuring stick to measure "in part" the unmeasurable as
imparted to mankind by the Unfathomable as a means to insure and
engage such beings maintain a sense of humanity, self-worth, and
dignity. To furthermore stimulate investigation and contemplation in
the midst of societal upheavals and change by which the discoverer
finds cause and evidence that life regardless is to be celebrated and
the heart filled with thankfulness.
(Mon Jan 19 09:57:47 CST 1998 )
W. Lair (art[]findgreatstuff.com) says...
What is ART?
Art is the soul that remains after all the skills, materials, and hard work are
removed from the object.
What is misunderstood as Art?
Viewers can identify skills, materials, hard work and believe they recognize art
when they are really only understanding the tangible qualities of the object. The
soul, the ether ,the art may not even exist.
(Sun Jan 18 10:01:41 CST 1998 )
Elena de Paz (nuska[]starmail.com) says...
Art is the feeling that excess in heart or(and) the thought that excess in mind. It leave the artist,taking on visual form that provoke feelings and thoughs to the spectator.
(Sun Jan 18 04:25:13 CST 1998 )
Rodney Chang (pygoya[]pixi.com) says...
Revelations in personal visual and emotional balance according to one's inherited and prescribed aesthetic
cultural language.
(Tue Jan 13 15:34:05 CST 1998 )
sarah says...
art is ...
(Thu Jan 8 10:01:27 CST 1998 )
ceinwen blood (s321095[]student.uq.edu.au) says...
this definition is for annette loudon....
Art is a big fat arse crack showing mechanic
(Wed Jan 7 21:06:19 CST 1998 )
Dollison (holst3210[]aol.com) says...
Art is the expression of the soul. Can animals create art? Do they have a soul or inner feeling? Man creates are to give expression to deep feelings that have no words.
(Tue Jan 6 09:47:01 CST 1998 )
gwen stanley (gwens[]grfn.org) says...
art is fluxus...isn't it?
(Sun Jan 4 11:10:26 CST 1998 )
Nanci Hayward (Nanci[]cyberjunkie.com) says...
An expression of ones feelings or imagination.
(Sun Jan 4 04:52:49 CST 1998 )
Paulo Renato Lino Rodrigues (paulor[]nutecnet.com.br) says...
Art is a mission, that of creating forms,
sounds and moviments which have not existed
previously. An artist can play the role of
God and create, create, create...
(Sat Jan 3 21:42:58 CST 1998 )
garamond says: says...
"art" is a marketing term.
True art is like love or old age...you can not hide either one.
(Sat Jan 3 06:55:36 CST 1998 )
Liviu Deacu (ldeacu[]home.centernet.de) says...
symbolical and harmonic superlanguage
Who defines harmony?
(Fri Jan 2 12:47:00 CST 1998 )
PNRworldwide (pnr[]xs4all.be) says...
(Fri Jan 2 12:17:38 CST 1998 )
Artist says...
Art is something tragic. Someone who made art in the past was suffered most.
Van Gogh, Munch, etc. Remember those musicians, dancers, and performance artists, too.
But... how 'bout now? Their artworks become masterpieces, adored by everyone, tagged with high-priced labels.
So, again, don't forget how paradoxical art is.
t has been glorified, as well as humiliated tragically throughout history...
(Mon Dec 29 08:04:34 CST 1997 )
Seno H.M. (anoma[]bandung.wasantara.net.id) says...
Art is an effort to make something more aesthetically valuable.
I see this occurs in finest kind of arts to the grade of kitchy things
While aesthetic values are dynamic and relative for every person/people/times,
it is hard to say what is the real standard judgement for art. Eventually, art
is not just for art's sake anymore, it is art for everyone's sake (and purposes) also...
I prefer subjective model here,
(Mon Dec 29 07:52:56 CST 1997 )
Seno H.M. (anoma[]bandung.wasantara.net.id) says...
Art is an effort to make something more aesthetically valuable.
I see this occurs in finest kind of arts to the grade of kitchy things
While aesthetic values are dynamic and relative for every person/people/times,
it is hard to say what is the real standard judgement for art. Eventually, art
is not just for art's sake anymore, it is art for everyone's sake (and purposes) also...
I prefer subjective model here,
(Mon Dec 29 07:52:38 CST 1997 )
Antonio Peticov (peticov[]dialdata.com.br) says...
Art is the transformation of the ordinary into the EXTRAORDINARY.
(Mon Dec 29 00:55:32 CST 1997 )
Jon Elliott (Alterite[]aol.com) says...
To say that art "is" anything seems to be irrelivant. Things can only "appear to be", and saying that art "is" something seems to be arbitrary name calling. Giving things arbitrary definitions and giving them arbitrary names, and then beliveing that these names and definitions have any corilation to some universal definition of "reality", (a definition that applies to all), is a futile exercise. And yet, the words I use at this moment are as a result of this futile exercise. Art and all other forms of language, seem to be a futile attempt to communicate reality. Reality appears to be a construct of the mind and has been givin many definitions. No single or mulitiple definition of reality can ever be the "Truth". The only "truth" is that there seems to be no truth. So to me art, as well as all other languages, serves as a constant reminder that there is nothing, no reality, no truthes.
This I consider valuable. Arbitrary name calling and subsequent arguments over which name or definition "is" the "Truth", has been the root cause of much conflict between ourselves. Obviously not the cause of all conflict, greed has been one of the many other instigators for example, but certainly it seems to divide people. People argue about what is the "True" definition of almost everything. People are often willing to kill and die over these definitions. There is no "True" definition for art.
(Tue Dec 23 23:17:33 CST 1997 )
martinV (vajdap[]vol.cz) says...
Between the beholder and the article, there are two attempts: one
is that the beholder tries to perceive it on the deepest level, the
other is that the art tries to keep its identity in itself. The
stronger one side wills to achieve its aim, the more interesting the
art piece becomes. Therefore art is a war of attrition.
(Sun Dec 14 04:57:43 CST 1997 )
Andrea Ruggiero (ruggie2_andr[]bentley.edu) says...
Art id any form of expression that someone can create. Whether or not it's beautiful to me says nothing. Art is in the eye of the beholder. I create art, but you might think of it as anything but. Art is found in nature as well as through peoples interpurtations of it. Art is anything that someone can express that enables someone to have an emotion.
(Sat Dec 13 22:46:39 CST 1997 )
j.d.hill (Cash2u[]webtv) says...
art one view musically
is of in either or
the impression th midst physically
this could be considered art to a veerryy sick person*****
(Wed Dec 10 23:27:35 CST 1997 )
chack jackson (chackj[]hotmail.com) says...
i think music is art
(Wed Dec 10 20:21:55 CST 1997 )
jim jim (hand28[]hotmail.com) says...
(Wed Dec 10 20:19:07 CST 1997 )
anna says...
Art is everything one ( the creator or the viewer) feels to be art.
Everything is -therefore- art.
(Mon Dec 8 10:46:02 CST 1997 )
K Barrett (barrett[]getnet.com) says...
Art is life.
(Mon Dec 8 09:03:14 CST 1997 )
liz (tim.huddleston[]virgin.net) says...
truth is out there, art is in your own head.
(Sat Dec 6 03:22:01 CST 1997 )
Chris Littrell L.P.N. (asoulx[]geocities.com) says...
Art is anything, visual(paintings, sculpture, dance, ect.) or audible(music, spoken word, speaches, ect.), that cames from the soul of one and speaks to the soul of another.
(Thu Dec 4 09:06:45 CST 1997 )
JORGE CRUZ (jorgecruz[]hotmail.com) says...
arte es cualquier creacion delhombre
(Tue Dec 2 10:45:22 CST 1997 )
Monica Rodrigues (ct1flm[]mail.telepac.pt) says...
Art is everything that makes you look twice.
(Mon Dec 1 07:29:21 CST 1997 )
Paula (pflesher[]usouthal.campus.mci.net) says...
I feel that art is any object that brings a sense of understanding, appreciation, and emotional completeness. Art is determined only by the person that is observing it. It is up to that own person' perception
(Sat Nov 29 22:49:01 CST 1997 )
Stephen Burns (chrome[]ucsd.edu) says...
Art is the ability to express the rhythm and spirit of life. To
show that all things spiritual is more corporeal than that which is
(Thu Nov 27 01:23:34 CST 1997 )
Gordon E. Robbins (ger2a[]mtsu.edu) says...
Art is the expression of ones emotions and ideas.
To me, art is a way of getting away, I use art to show what( or how)
I'm feeling.
(Tue Nov 25 13:14:39 CST 1997 )
Susan (fletch[]ctaz.com) says...
Art is in the minds eye!!!!!!!
(Sat Nov 22 19:11:57 CST 1997 )
anssi hanhela (toyra.hanhela[]mail.suomi.net) says...
-HELSINKI 1994 1995
-LULEÅ 1995
SWEDEN 1989 1991 1994 1995
RUSSIA 1992 1994
mystical "logos", erotic, minimalistic artworks
silkscreens and acrylpaintings
(Thu Nov 20 11:38:19 CST 1997 )
Jason Chambers (J.Chambers[]herts.ac.uk) says...
the plaything of the intellectual rich.
(Thu Nov 20 06:27:01 CST 1997 )
Jim Connors (jimconnors1[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is another pointless definition.
(Tue Nov 18 16:50:11 CST 1997 )
Erin Neff (nefferin[]hotmail.com) says...
Anything that is beautiful to the viewer and/or creats emotion
in the viewer is what I consider art. GOod art is art where the artist spends time and
has ability. For example, I would consider cave paintings art because
it creates emotion to me, as the viewer, knowing that these cave men
were so primative, yet, discovered such an advanced technique of comm-
unication (just the fact that they discovered the ways of communication
and a way to make paint) Also, that they had to go through so much
in order to make these paintings (dark and getting into the caves).
I would consider a game of chess art- the geometric structure and the
thought (emotion) it creates is beautiful. I gave this question much
thought, and have come up with this definition that should work with
the majority of society. It is important, when finding the right
definition, that having an open mind because the subject of art is
not a "cut and dry" subject and it includes a world of opinions.
A question you may ask- is a beautiful meadow considered art? well,
is beautiful to me. Its creater- who ever you consider God- or who
ever you believe created the world...I could go on forever, giving you
every example known to man, but, I need to get back to my web surfing!
(Sat Nov 15 18:25:21 CST 1997 )
Bev Thornton (aa200[]fan.nb.ca) says...
(Thu Nov 13 20:41:35 CST 1997 )
Roark says...
Art is 'tra' spelled backwards.
(Thu Nov 13 12:45:02 CST 1997 )
lauraine says...
ART is action into matter for those to whom it matters.
(Wed Nov 12 10:13:15 CST 1997 )
Vy Anh (VyAnh[]webtv.com) says...
Art is the beauty of nature. It is the beauty that comes from within. Art lets you express your feelings without words. With art you can - see your personalities, your interest, the way you view life...
(Tue Nov 11 18:43:28 CST 1997 )
Vy Anh Vo (VyAnh[]webtv.com) says...
I believe art is beauty. It is the beauty that comes from within. Art lets you express your feelings without words. Art can tell a person about your personalities, what you like, your interest, how you view life...
(Tue Nov 11 18:35:11 CST 1997 )
Melissa Tebeau (FlyGirl575[]aol.com) says...
Art is a form of expression. A way of letting your feelings out, a way of making others happy by looking at your creations. Art can come in many different forms and every one has there own unique styles.
(Tue Nov 11 13:38:16 CST 1997 )
CRyPT (crypt99[]usa.net) says...
Art is a web site with many cool things on it! (Like mine!)
(Thu Nov 6 00:24:23 CST 1997 )
CRyPT (crypt99[]usa.net) says...
Art is a web site with many cool things on it! (Like mine!)
(Thu Nov 6 00:21:43 CST 1997 )
a student says...
art is the language of the soul, the expression of the mind and the body. God is art. Art is life.
(Wed Nov 5 18:19:47 CST 1997 )
mike berry (mike[]citiscape.com) says...
Art is anything that has been created by an self-deciding entity.
(Wed Nov 5 14:43:15 CST 1997 )
laurel paley (paley[]usc.edu) says...
An explorative commentary, in visual terms, on what it means to be a human being
(Mon Nov 3 22:16:37 CST 1997 )
B. Misavage (briansavage67[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is measured by a multitude of words, ideas, theories, and philosophies.
I think art is defined by the individual that makes the arbitrary judgement as to whether it is art or not.
So, I am of the opinion that the standards are subjective.
I think the deepest meanings are for the artist, most likely unbeknown to the onlooker.
(Sun Nov 2 18:04:38 CST 1997 )
tamar schori (core[]netvision.net.il) says...
art happens when the whole has more than it's ingredients
(Sun Nov 2 15:31:52 CST 1997 )
Amanda (suprclaire[]aol.com) says...
an expression of how one feels.
(Sun Nov 2 12:23:37 CST 1997 )
Jennifer harris (IssyHarris[]aol.com) says...
Art can mean different things to different people. I see it as a form of expresion, a way to release all feelings, weak or strong. It is also a safe way of doing this, other then lets say becoming a homicidal maniac, and having Hitler as a role model, nuf said.
(Sun Nov 2 08:01:38 CST 1997 )
admiral lurchy (freonf[]hotmail.com) says...
art is ikaw wala kang mais-isip
(Sat Nov 1 07:23:11 CST 1997 )
Jason P. Wilcox (jwilcox[]mylink.net) says...
The wrinkle in a river
The music of wind moving leaves
That piece of light in your pupils
A mirror flipped by the breeze.
(Fri Oct 31 22:52:33 CST 1997 )
Hillary (hickeyhof[]aol) says...
Art is the imitation of reality to communicate an idea.
(Fri Oct 31 15:11:00 CST 1997 )
Kevin Borer (kborer[]usc.edu) says...
To me, art is something best defined as just existing. If it comes
from a person, and it's heartfelt, it's art. It's a version of reality
that means something to the artist, and can only be expierenced by others
through their art.
It's enough that it is art.
(Wed Oct 29 20:37:22 CST 1997 )
Vlademir Konstansov (toriador_jkpg[]hotmail.com) says...
To difine art is a dream of utopia, everything that is done whit passio is art.
musik is art
paintings is art
sex is art
pain is art
destruction is art
love is art
life is art
death is art
darkness is art
light is art
deaming is art
And everything that surraunds us
(Thu Oct 23 03:31:28 CDT 1997 )
Tim Silverman (polypmaster[]hotmail.com) says...
Art is what you desire most.
(Wed Oct 22 18:56:33 CDT 1997 )
Richard Lund (rlund[]gate.net) says...
Art is the searching of some kind of experience
that will change or confirm our own reality.
(Sun Oct 19 14:17:31 CDT 1997 )
D8UG (d8ug[]aol.com) says...
art is beyond beauty and ugliness
(Wed Oct 15 16:52:09 CDT 1997 )
D8UG (d8ug[]aol.com) says...
art is beyond beauty and ugliness
(Wed Oct 15 16:51:31 CDT 1997 )
D8UG (d8ug[]aol.com) says...
art is beyond beauty and ugliness
(Wed Oct 15 16:50:57 CDT 1997 )
D8UG (d8ug[]aol.com) says...
art is beyond beauty and ugliness
(Wed Oct 15 16:50:20 CDT 1997 )
d8ug (d8ug[]aol.com) says...
(Wed Oct 15 16:37:15 CDT 1997 )
Tim Wright (twright[]nermal.santarosa.edu) says...
Art is a way you can visually express your emotion at any given time. "Its better than chewing someone's head off I think!"
(Wed Oct 15 13:09:10 CDT 1997 )
Brooke (stremly2[]iastate.edu) says...
Art is anything designed for a purpose. This purpose could be functional or expressive.
(Wed Oct 15 10:35:31 CDT 1997 )
hagatha (swoozie[]pacbell.net) says...
Art is the mediator between heart and soul, to break the everyday pattern of life
as we usually know it, and touch an emotion, a memory, or tell us a story we
may not have known before, visualized before, or allowed to be a part of ourselves.
It broodens our horizons and gives us new thought and hope.
(Tue Oct 14 00:56:00 CDT 1997 )
Charles K. Muasya (106215.1603[]compuserve) says...
A deliberate human action that explores existence through a visual, verbal or sound language using craftmanship.
(Sun Oct 12 10:46:11 CDT 1997 )
W. Dale Meyer (meyerw[]hqaws.safb.af.mil) says...
Art is the means God gives human beings to express their impression of his creation.
(Fri Oct 10 16:15:17 CDT 1997 )
Robin says...
1) created by a HUMAN
2) experienced by a DIFFERENT human
3) ENJOYED by the second human to the extent that they want more
4) NOT weakened by (geographical) separation of the two humans
(Fri Oct 10 12:10:26 CDT 1997 )
Robin (woottie[]geocities.com) says...
1) created by a HUMAN
2) experienced by a DIFFERENT human
3) ENJOYED by the second human to the extent that they want more
4) NOT weakened by (geographical) separation of the two humans
(Fri Oct 10 12:10:18 CDT 1997 )
Robin (woottie[]geocities.com) says...
1) created by a HUMAN
2) experienced by a DIFFERENT human
3) ENJOYED by the second human to the extent that they want more
4) NOT weakened by (geographical) separation of the two humans
(Fri Oct 10 12:07:18 CDT 1997 )
Robin (96188726[]brookes.ac.uk) says...
1) created by a HUMAN
2) experienced by a DIFFERENT human
3) ENJOYED by the second human to the extent that they want more
4) NOT weakened by (geographical) separation of the two humans
(Fri Oct 10 12:06:48 CDT 1997 )
eero (eero[]insta.artun.ee) says...
oli kord olukord milles ma polnud
(Fri Oct 10 09:22:20 CDT 1997 )
Gregory Bloom (gjbloom[]nyx.net) says...
Art is a collection of patterns which evoke a directed change in
the mental state of a person perceiving them. Art has degrees of
precision and accuracy. Precision is a measure of how repeatable
the evoked mental change is from person to person. Accuracy is
a measure of how closely the mental change comes to what the artist
had intended.
(Tue Oct 7 09:08:17 CDT 1997 )
J. Vaughan (jvaughan[]iStar.ca) says...
Art is a function that embodiesboth the natural and unnatural.
(Mon Oct 6 09:20:35 CDT 1997 )
Dave (Daveyboy_K[]Compuserve.Com) says...
Trying to define 'ART' is too taxing on the mind. DOH!
(Fri Oct 3 17:52:13 CDT 1997 )
Luis Claudio Ferraz da Silveira (design[]minerva.ufpel.tche.br) says...
Para decidir o que é ou não arte, é necessário um discurso sobre o objeto artístico, ao qual reconhecemos competência e autoridade, assim, dignificando o objeto artístico.
(Fri Oct 3 01:33:40 CDT 1997 )
Luis Claudio Ferraz da Silveira (design[]minerva.ufpel.tche.br) says...
Para decidir o que ou não arte, é necessário um discurso sobre o objeto artístico, ao qual reconhecemos competência e autoridade, assim, dignificando o objeto artístico.
(Fri Oct 3 01:29:16 CDT 1997 )
vivian (vivian[]adaweb.com) says...
another reality trip
(Thu Oct 2 18:34:34 CDT 1997 )
Danko Tomas (dtomas[]oliver.efst.hr) says...
Art is a spiritual reflexion which is passing through the gate of perception.
(Thu Oct 2 08:36:10 CDT 1997 )
Jon Horne (jon[]horne.demon.co.uk) says...
Art is a purposeless mess, without which, life is a purposeless mess.
(Fri Sep 26 20:09:35 CDT 1997 )
Jaye Alison Moscariello (artistsR1[]aol.com) says...
Art is my exclusive reason for breathing. Without art there is no me and no you. You are art. I am art. Art is that which keeps me searching for and interpreting (through my images) - meaning of life - until there is no longer the necessity to do so, and hence, no more breathing.
(Wed Sep 24 15:20:56 CDT 1997 )
Tiago Vaz (tiago[]tiago.com) says...
Have you ever seen Demmi Moore tits ? This is the true meaning of art !
(Tue Sep 23 19:45:39 CDT 1997 )
Emily (Bedo7[]juno.com) says...
Something that shows the thoughts and feelings of a certain person.
(Tue Sep 23 19:42:01 CDT 1997 )
Nik Beat (Study3[]ic.kk.dk) says...
Art is .... a term.
Art is shaking your hands, and deciding "this is Art"
Art is free.
Art is a big bus, and everybody is free to ride.
Inside the bus, there is a steering wheel to every seat.
Still the bus drives one way.
Some passengers just sit and watch the landscape rolling by.
Others talk, discuss and critisize.
There a bus-riders staring into a void, keeping themselves in a shell,
focus on their own stuff.
A few of the passengers a sleeping.
2 are getting carsick, and puke out the window.
" did you see that " yells one of them "that is art, -right there."
The discussion panel turns its attention to the carsick.
a man sitting in the back i scribbling in his notebook.
There are passengers who wants to get off the bus.
Passengers who insists that they are steering the bus.
Passengers hanging on the outside of the bus with spraycans
in their hands.
Passengers that are on for the ride.
Blind Passengers.
Some passengers, crawling around inside the bus, tearing out seats to make a sculpture
in the middle section, coming up with crazy ideas on how to change the whole outlook
of the bus. Making strange designs.
Should i change into a;
Naked woman?
A cookie?
a Cartoon character?
(Finally) there are passengers unsatisfied with the landscape outside,
but they´ll have to be patient , ´cus the bus is driving in its own
pace. It´ll eventually reach new territory.
The End.
(Mon Sep 22 04:15:25 CDT 1997 )
Nik Beat (study3[]ic.kk.dk) says...
Art is Art.
(Mon Sep 22 03:39:02 CDT 1997 )
Dammarell (dammarell[]silverlink.net) says...
Art is the source of being.
(Sat Sep 20 09:00:15 CDT 1997 )
sarai (scoughl[]portal.endicott.com) says...
"No one will ever know the true meaning of art."
(Thu Sep 18 10:34:13 CDT 1997 )
K. Lee (klk[]idt.net) says...
Art is undefined now. It has a olace and a measure which affects, and has effect. I asked my friend Ray the other day, but he was piss-assed drunk. Perhaps it is swearing where it is legal. I think than that it is all around us, but it is undefined. Art does have an inner-meraning. It comes, . . . it also goes. Because art may come and go, it keeps nameless (without definition). 9 Mac Gregor Court. There is a time and place for everything. Waldwick. And art has both, time and Place. New Jersey. To define art as a time, or a place would eliminate all of the art coming before and after, wouldn't it. 07463. Deciphering the wishes of the world can not be served in either a dat or a month, a time, or a place, but when it does, it is the individual which decides. That was my addrexs fo all the world to poinder, as that is what may pnder me, and the art world. Come to http://ultrix.ramapo.edu/~kkaeumle where there is some art, today. That is today there is art. Whiuch is one definition to art, a sense that can be shared, Yeah>
K. Lee
(Wed Sep 17 23:21:26 CDT 1997 )
LobsterTolstoy (jrm2[]fla.net) says...
Art; artifice; "My modern art is falling apart" (Dave Felber)
(Mon Sep 8 21:34:53 CDT 1997 )
Paul Gilbert (arts group[]aol.com) says...
A product created, a feeling expressed, an aesthetic anesthetic, and
if you have known BEAUTY; then teach it to others!
(Mon Sep 8 19:23:16 CDT 1997 )
chang (jkchang[]cyberway.com.sg) says...
why define art? art just is.
(Wed Sep 3 09:09:52 CDT 1997 )
Anthony Rayson (glazer[]geocities.com) says...
Art is..
(Tue Sep 2 07:27:03 CDT 1997 )
helen habermann (hlhaber[]uakron.edu) says...
art is any communication that allows someone else to know what is inside my head
(Mon Sep 1 21:16:44 CDT 1997 )
Cathryn Todd (cathryn[]harborside.com) says...
Art is a visual expression of emotions and thoughts.
(Sun Aug 31 04:38:20 CDT 1997 )
jaxun (jaxun[]art.net) says...
Art is a vehicle for altering perceptions.
(Thu Aug 28 01:40:01 CDT 1997 )
humdog says...
art is a target looking for an arrow.
(Tue Aug 26 13:16:37 CDT 1997 )
helen (bigbox[]webtv.net) says...
if the eyes are the window to your soul then art
is the reflection of your soul
(Sat Aug 23 20:52:35 CDT 1997 )
helen (bigbox[]webtv.net) says...
if the eyes are the window to your soul then art
is the reflection of your soul
(Sat Aug 23 20:51:43 CDT 1997 )
Mo Evans-Hansen says...
Art is a form of communication, best expressed by those who not only have a strong sense of recognition of their emotions, but the discipline to express them clearly to others....it's a catch-22, because the more you know about art, the more you realize you know less than you thought. Art doesn't have to communicate tangible things, but should evoke some kind of emotional response by the person experiencing it....
(Thu Aug 21 18:07:39 CDT 1997 )
palomo says...
Trying to be esoteric - since I read a lot of that stuff...
Any object of your attention (may be a sound) that elevates
your vibrational sense of "here" to "there". There been a state
of being not normally achieved during normal operation time fo human beings.
when yoou see or hear a piece of "art", you are "there".
(Mon Aug 18 13:05:57 CDT 1997 )
Sam J. Beaver (ratart[]webtv.net) says...
purely irrational existance: there are infinite variations of creativity, none more so than nonsence.
(Sun Aug 17 23:42:36 CDT 1997 )
HEATHER says...
Putting your thoughts, emotions into a creation.
(Sun Aug 17 20:55:37 CDT 1997 )
Kika Nery (cnery[]guarany.cpd.unb.br) says...
Joke with the images/LIE/Enter into the lights/TRUE/True Lies/Lies True
(Fri Aug 15 13:31:33 CDT 1997 )
e carkoski says...
Art: Is what comes from natural fluidity and only has to make sense to you.
(Sat Aug 9 20:38:32 CDT 1997 )
Richard Drewyor (drewyor[]hiwaay.net) says...
Art is the product of what you don't know what you're doing.
(Thu Aug 7 05:11:30 CDT 1997 )
Richard Drewor (drewyor[]hiwaay.net) says...
Art is what. (C)1997rd
(Thu Aug 7 05:08:39 CDT 1997 )
Barb Pozek (Pozland[]tri-lakes.net) says...
Art is communicating your view of the world from your little window.
(Wed Aug 6 23:50:15 CDT 1997 )
Carolinva (carolinva[]mindless.com) says...
Art is the way humans differ from all other living things. It is our way of expressing our emotions, and our sensory perceptions, in our own unique way.
(Tue Aug 5 16:41:35 CDT 1997 )
VoidmasterXeo (xeo[]sprynet.com) says...
Art is the attempt to capture that which cannot be described...
(Sun Aug 3 02:32:34 CDT 1997 )
mat death (snmohd0[]sac.uky.edu) says...
ART is "apo-apo jo laaaa".
(Sat Aug 2 22:38:57 CDT 1997 )
Itzhak Baram (itzik[]leonardo.com) says...
We distribute images for the travel trade
(Sat Jul 26 13:08:41 CDT 1997 )
Zebo Chagrenny says...
Art is something that makes your soul rest
(Thu Jul 24 17:31:17 CDT 1997 )
Robert Martin (romartin[]rhf.bradley.edu) says...
art is the external expression of internal longing
(Mon Jul 21 20:37:32 CDT 1997 )
Perugino (leo[]aol.com) says...
art is like paper towels, and a box of apple drink......and I meant it....man...
(Mon Jul 21 20:22:52 CDT 1997 )
Stevenlee (idraw[]earthlink.net) says...
As opposed to de unfine art:
Art >A-Z, as in all that are willing and some that aren't.
(Thu Jul 17 15:40:50 CDT 1997 )
Dave Kunst (earthwalker1[]earthlink.net) says...
Art is in my minds eye!
(Sat Jul 12 16:20:32 CDT 1997 )
Roy (jetboy[]flash.net) says...
Art is a glimpse at the human soul... then again, its also my neighbor.
(Fri Jul 11 12:16:25 CDT 1997 )
Loquat (Matthew Rebholz) (Loquat[]primenet.com) says...
Art is playing with the perciever's emotions, giving them another perspective on existance.
(Fri Jul 4 19:35:08 CDT 1997 )