Description:An oscillator supplies a signal at audio frequency to a receiver circuit and the result, plus some white noise, is heard at the little speaker. The level of signal reception can be modified using supermagnets above the ferrite rod aerials. A wire, earthed to the receiver chassis, runs, via the brass 'tower' to a coil wound about a strong toroidal magnet attracted to but held clear of another one. The other end of the coil is capacitively connected to the audio output. Twanging the wire vigorously produces a steady build-up in the volume of the white noise. This installation owes something to the influence of the 'Force Fields' exhibition at the Hayward Gallery.
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File uploaded:7.26.2002 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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