Description:I did it between august and november 00. The flames on the right makes me think a lot of the burnings of inquisition. One could see distorted faces in the fire, burning crosses and churches, sulpurous smoke and agonizing ravens, the masts of a ship lost in a burning harbour. These flames were meant to represent the satanic viciousness and the hellburn of a MORBID ANGEL's riff on the first track ( not the intro) of their "Blessed are the sick" Album. This riff had been in my head for days while i was in vacations, working on copying faces in mags. When it went out I painted it with my fingers, it was more fun than with a paintbrush and it made me able to do some different effect. The green face on the middle was taken from a newspaper, it symbolizes the wear away of man. I added a ghostly green dragon like face with gouache. I recently added the leafs on the left, at the beginning their was some kind of fractals on its top but unfortunately, it dried out and the fractals disappeared.
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File uploaded:12.10.2000 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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