Description:As part of the "Shawn Granton Traveling Vagabond Roadshow 2005", I returned to my native lands of New Haven, Connecticut. Whilst in town, I participated in the Elm City's burgeoning bicycle scene. I attended its hopping Critical Mass, showed Steev and RevPhil's crazy Portland bicycle videos, and instigated a New Haven version of "Breakfast on the Bridges", although it was just on Orange Ave. (And the breakfast came full circle; it was a New Haven native son who started it in PDX, and the N'haven version's food and coffee was donated by someone who's from Hillsboro. Hillsboro!) The Devil's Gear is sort of "the hub" of Elm City bike culture. It's a rad shop run by Matt and it totally supports all things bike in the city. Since they helped me with what I'm doing, I figured the least I could do was draw them a flyer. Drawn with pencils and tech pens, blacks filled in and cleanups done via Photoshop. All completly drawn within New Haven.
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File uploaded:10.2.2005 17:02 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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