Description:Krissie #3: Shawl" Krissie 1/4 length, wearing nothing but a black shawl, posed against grey seamless, with the shawl enticingly revealing. Krissie has a quiet look, and her head is pleasingly tilted to her right and facing the camera. Her right shoulder is lower than the left to make a pleasing diagonal. Scanned into Aldus Photostyler with Kodak RFS 2035 film scanner from a Ektachrome 64X slide at 1000 dpi, resampled down to 640x480, and converted to 256 color GIF.
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File uploaded:4.13.1996 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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