SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Bravo BWD
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2003-06-26 06:34:34 [6888]
"I think that the ...any restraints for newbies will be non-existant. I thought about this short and calm this afternoon. There is such a wonderful jazz like boundary. Play the wrong shit and Miles would have you walking."

The day that anyone approaching the stature of Miles Davis visits SITO, I'll kiss ass. Gladly. As far as I'm concerned, Gridcosm is like a weekend rock & roll garage band jam session. No superstars here. Everyone has a day job, or is unemployed. Most of the ''musicians'' play decently. Which is no surprise. If you live long enough, you should be able to master a few chord progressions in 4/4 time... eventually. Crikes, it's 2003, some rockers have already died of old age. Of more or less natural causes.

"But -- what is wrong? Nothing is wrong - it is up to each individual - hence the collaboration. I thought today as I crafted my triptych ( my girl has been busting my ass about working on paying gigs -- lending almost no time to this -- a secretive passion of mine ! ) anyway - I thought about secret societies and naivete. We ( US - see POGO ) have a language and a communication goin on here! We cannot expect those to come in an flow right away.... And is funny how this is all so virtual - so apparently insignificant - but I would argue that the significance of it alone - however per se -- is good fodder for study."

Why am I here? SITO gets my creative juices flowing, that's why. But it is habit-forming, and it could resemble an addiction.

"An obvious note to all our frivilous selves, we by virtue of isolation ( this is about a web wide game ) are a specifically sophisticated lot, a creed unspoken our hand shakes in pixels our expressions in BBS style. I love all who participate -- for real. SUN ( possibly unconcluded )"

''Everybody I love you. Everybody I do.'' However, Gridcosm sometimes resembles CSN&Y's dressing room when they're yelling obscenities at each other and throwing whisky bottles. Or maybe Spinal Tap.

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Re: Bravo BWD
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