Great ideas there. I have used the "rotation" technique myself. I've also done some "scale" work by doubling (or tripling) the size of the pieces, then shrinking them back down to 150x150 before uploading. I like the idea of distorting the canvas.... then "re-torting" it back to the correct dimensionality to upload. It reminds me of an "evolution" of Gridcosm that I planned... "Squidcosm" is what I called it. The idea of "Squidcosm" is that pieces don't need to be square, only rectangular. Each level, when finished, would distort to become a square and shrink to 150x150. Another idea for "Squidcosm" is that levels would consist not of 9 pieces, but of "4+". Adjacent pieces only had to match one dimension of the "parent". You could add a 150x392 piece below the "level seed" (150 matches the width of the "parent"). Then on either side of that 150x392 piece you could add a 235x392 and a 50x392 (392 matches the height). Make sense? THEN.... once the level has reached 4 pieces, it begins to "crave rectangularity". That is, it won't allow any new pieces that don't promote the level's eventual rectangular shape. Thus, in the above example, we could only add two more pieces... one to either side of the "level seed". If you visualise it, we ended up with an "upside down 'T'" shape with my example above.... thus we need to fill the "armpits" of the "T". I should probably draw a diagram. Or shut up.