The Gridhelix Proposal or, how to start a philosophical war, was, Re: We are in the Time of the LevelJack | ||
by Kilbo ![]() |
2008-08-23 02:45:39 | [21060] |
I've been on vacation the past week or so, and have just been watching the discussion in colored pixels and reading the discussion here in the forums. As someone trying to be a more regular articipant, as someone who is neither a professional artist nor an even mediocre unprofessional artist, and as a recent gridhogger a few levels back, it's been fascinating to watch the conversation here. Some of Ed's arranged electrons got me thinking though: "I'd like to make some kind of branch of Gridcosm with a built-in ruleset about post frequency" One of the signature features of the Gridcosm, imhfo, is its infinite nature. To have a separate branch would create a duality instead of an uroboric structure, again all imhfo. I'd like to propose an alternate structure instead: the Gridhelix. After someone hogs more than w levels in a row, (my opinion is that w=2,) the articipant can reserve/contribute no more than x (I think x=3) squares to the next level and if they reserve/contribute more than y, a personal branch of the Gridcosm is created just for them and only they can contribute to it, and it becomes a part of their personal account here on the system. They can then create all the levels that they want to their heart's content, exploring semiotic, semi-erotic, auto-erotic or idiotic levels of artistic expression. Alternatively, anyone would also have the opportunity to create a personal Gridcosm from any level's seed from any level. Now, here's where the helix part comes in. After y levels past they last hogged level (I think y=10), or any level if you started your own branch, you could then use the last fully completed personal Gridcosm level as a 100 x 100 pixel seed for a 150 x 150 pixel square in the "main line". I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine who might or might not blend those 50 pixel borders into the main line. This then allows the branches to be woven back in, creating a looping, non-linear 'cosm. If retro-fitted to the entire body of work, if someone was in a "closed helix" state, that is, either no personal Gridcosm brach or all their branches are woven back into the main line, we could pick any earlier level as a seed, potentially creating some very interesting bridges to past levels. And for some even more interesting possibilities, having the ability to allow others (all or selected) contribute to a personal branch, would retain more of the collaborative feel. Ed, Jon, fellow Sitoarians? | ||
In reply to: Re: We are in the Time of the LevelJack |
Replies: Re: The Gridhelix Proposa.. | |