Re: JIT. good grid 'LINK' if can be replaced by admin | ||
by ![]() |
2004-12-03 21:22:44 | [10676] |
"On May 26th, I ''gridhogged'' levels 1499 and 1500 of the gridcosm for the purpose of posting (imho) a rather clever merging of TCA's head on to the goatse guy." Rather clever? Compared to what? A George W. Bush frat prank? The alt.slack.sputum crew superimposed the head of a spammer on the goatse guy's asshole before you did. "Why level 1500? Because (as of today, and for so long as I've been using sito) every 100th level of the gridcosm is shown on the main gridcosm page, under ''Explore the Gridcosm''." Do yourself a favor. Contact a licensed mental health professional and explore your mind. Find out what's wrong with it. Fix it. Report back. "My level 1500 was a work of art. My inspiration, TCA, merged with one of the most senselessly horrible images on the Internet. Appropriate, since TCA is one of thoe most senseless creators of images on the Internet. I did the level in the form of a catalog cover, posing the position that while TCA seems to exhibit a fairly standard ''California Hippie'' attitude towards government and commercialism, may he not in fact be a cog in the very machine that he protests against? Contrast, contrast, contrast." You mean like Ralph Nader is a cog in the machine that he protests against? That's about the very first statement I made when I started uploading to Gridcosm in November 2000. As for me, I'm no damn hippie. I'll admit I've been something of a freak since attending college in the late 1970s. But a hippie? No way. I think that you have badly underestimated me. In my 10+ years online, I've adopted some of the libertarian values that dominate the subculture of programmers and system administrators. I've tried hard to understand their way of thinking. "Unfortunatly, the Powers that Be at sito decided to break with the standard of posting every 100th level. They didn't do this because it was time for a change. They did this to censor my work. Something can be said for the fact that they did not remove the level alltogether, but it is dissapointing that they chose to single out my level from the rest of the 100th levels." LOL. The Powers That Be? Jon and Ed censored your work? Yeah, right. Just about anyone else in authority would have deleted your trash and frozen your account. But not them. They let you continue spewing your bad vibes. I've never encountered anyone online in a position of authority nicer than Jon. And Ed's cool, too, on those increasingly few occasions that he shows up here. Your antics forced them go to the effort of breaking their standard (something they probably didn't want to do) because you are a mentally ill geek. However, on the plus side your artistic abilities are adequate. Lookie here. I was booted from FurryMUCK by the wizards there in November 1994. Their decision to kick me out was totally arbitrary. Censorship had nothing to do with it. When the bouncer 86s a loud and irritating heterosexual from a gay bar, is that government oppression? No. I had annoyed the wizards. That was the sole reason for my ejection. | ||
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