by Marlos Salustiano | 2008-08-30 20:01:31 | [21097] |
Dear SNY: Your reaction is shamefully predictable and symptomatic, coming from a bruised ego! I think you really need a shrink (preferably an lacanian one)!LOL Well, here i go: US/WE = all sorts of articipants (sporadic or non-sporadic, oldtimers or newcomers, blenders or quilters or whatever). Level 3104 is a deliberately DADA-PUNK level. Deliberately trashy, paying hommage to the Sex Pistols, Tristan Tzara and Ed Wood! And i'm very flattered that you have considered it a abomination! Because inside the gridcosm context, it was meant to be my duchampian urinol!LOL My 22 levels of 8 pieces are NOTHING, because the grid is INFINITE! Other articipant's creativity blossoms and ocupy the grid marvelously (take for instance the brilliant sequence from 3133 to 3138, with so many interesting squares and overall apearence). Exactly as JER once stated: "Gridcosm rules, mainly because of it's anarchy within 450px repeated over and over ad infinitum (hopefully). Do I think it works best when contributors are looking at each others squares and collaborating genuinely (blending, riffing thematically, etc.)? Absolutely. But the openness of the game is part of it's power. What we're doing right now is all we need to do: the grid will survive the occasional gridhog ...". Acctually it will survive any kind of gridhogging! So why bother? About "LOL": People are free to use as many "LOL" as they want at the end of their (profound or futile) sentences!LOL And as far as your "constructive criticism" is concerned (as we can deduce from highly "rational" and "thoughtful" frases such as "this is a load of shit" or "when someone possibly dumps a load of shit on to the grid", or "you are an energetic son of a gun" or "who the fuck are you referring to when you..." and also "don't even try to come at me with your overblown crap"), i can only sadly recognize that you really don't have any sense of humour and even less theoretical background to articulate your (so called) criticism! And i'll quote this time one of the coolest fellas around (mr. Armagost), as he previously answered to you: "Weird? Yes! I feel at home here. "Lazy panels cannot be enjoyed nor condoned but tolerance I will agree with. " And i'll wrap everything with his zen-masterpiece statement: "No one controls Gridcosm. No one is satisfied. Learn to live with it. Or Panic!" | ||
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